Chapter Ten

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Jades POV

"You don't understand!" I shout

"Jade I do, I was once schizophrenic" Miss Williams says bowing her head

Present time

"You were like me?" I ask my voice shaking.

"2001, my best friend committed suicide, I could've stopped her" Miss Williams whispers.

"It wasn't your fault" I reassure reaching for Miss Williams hand and giving it a squeeze

"Well, she had me back, she haunted me for years, but I found out it wasn't real and it was just my mind playing tricks" Miss Williams says

"So Leigh isn't real?" I ask

"No Jade" Miss Williams says shaking her head.

"But she must be right?" I ask not wanting to believe it.

"She's not real your mind just wants it to be" Miss Williams says

"No no no" I say shaking my head

"Jade, you need to believe it" Miss Williams says reaching for my arm.

"Don't touch me!" I yell running out the room.

"Jade!" I hear her shout as I ran up the quiet corridor. I ran and ran until my legs throbbed. I found the public toilets for visitors and hid myself in a cubicle. I sat in there for what seemed like hours. I cried and cried until I couldn't squeeze anymore tears out. I cried for Leigh. I wanted her to be real I wanted her with me. Hugging me and telling me everything was going to be ok. After I stopped crying I just sat on the toilet with my legs against my chest. The toilet cubicle was cramped but it was a good place to hide. Or atleast I thought so. It felt like hours had gone by before I hear the sweet voice of my mam fill the toilets.

"Jadey, are you in here?" She called. She walked close to my cubicle door. I held my breath so she couldn't hear me.

"Jadey I know you're in here" she sighs. I stay silent.

"Open the door please"

"I don't want to" I say child like.

"Please Jade"

I sigh and open the cubicle door. My mum jumps in for a hug but I swerve past her to wash my puffy red eye in the sink.

"Jadey, look at me" My mam say agitated.

I ignore her and make my way to the toilet door but my mam pulls me back.

"Jadey, please tell me what's wrong"

"Everything mam" I reply

"Tell me we have time" my mam says

I sigh but tell her anyway. "I want Leigh to be real I miss her"

"Oh Jadey" my mam sighs

"I want Leigh" I whisper as my mam pulls me into a hug.

"Look, just do as Miss Williams says and take those pills" My mam says

"But then Leigh will disappear" I sob.

"Jade please listen to me I need you home with me not in here" My mam says

"What about Leigh?"

"We will visit her grave at least twice a week" My mam says


"I promise, now let's get you back to your room, shall we"

I hoped you liked it!

Stay awesome!
Phoebe ❤️💖❤️💖❤️

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