Chapter 11

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"Hiya Jade!" Hannah exclaimed as I walked through the door of our room. I give her a mire wave and trample over to my bed. I just wanted to pull the covers over my face and forget about today.

"Jade are you ok?" Hannah asked

"I'm fine Hannah I just don't want to talk" I grumble sliding into the covers.

"Oh ok, I'm going out to the cafeteria, see you later I guess" Hannah said stumbling out the door.

I sighed. I was so horrible to Hannah then but I couldn't help it. As soon as Hannah left I tried to sleep but it was no use. There were to many thoughts in my head. I decided to shower to keep myself occupied. I locked the bathroom door and turned the shower to hot. I then hopped in and felt the hot water pelt against my back. I then breakdown. My life was once so happy. I was storming the world with my three best friends. We had four best selling album and loved touring the world. But it changed. My friend and crush died just like that. My world came crashing down. I was sent here. To this horrible, gloomy mental hospital. Everything around me was crashing down. I cried every tear that could squeeze from my tear duct. I then turned off the shower not even bothering to wash my hair or body. I didn't have the energy. I then wrapped a towel around my body and hair and slipped under the covers. I just wanted to sleep. I didn't feel like eating down at the cafeteria with Hannah. Maybe if I stayed here for a few days I will starve and then I can be with Leigh. The real Leigh.

Jesy's POV

"Jess!!" I heard Perrie yell from downstairs.

"Yes" I mumble half asleep.

"The phones ringing"

"Why don't you get it?" I grumble.

"You're the boss you know what your talking about" Perrie says

"I'll be down now pez, just answer it"

I jump out of bed and run down the stairs.

"Jesy, it's the mental institution" Perrie says handing me the phone.

"Oh god" I mumble. A million thoughts were going through my head at that moment. They could be ringing to say Jade has to be put in a induced coma because she's mentally unstable. Or even worst she killed herself. The last one sounded a bit extreme but anything can happen at a mental institution! I've read about so many overdoses before. I hold my breath and press my ear up against the phone.

"Hello Miss Nelson" I heard a women say down the phone.

"Hello and you are?" I ask.

"I'm Miss Williams, I'm phoning to talk about Jade" Miss Williams says sweetly.

"Ok, what's up with Jade?" I ask concerned.

"Oh it's nothing bad so don't panic" Miss Williams reassures. I breath a heavy sigh of relief.

"So, Jade, she's getting treatment this week"

"Good, so she will able to come home soon?" I ask

"Yes, the one thing is she's refusing to take it" Miss Williams sighs.

"There must be some way we can coax her into taking it" I say.

"We've tried almost everything" Miss Williams says. I can hear the frustration in her voice.

"Should Pez and I talk to her tomorrow" I suggest.

"Sure lets hope it works!" Miss Williams says.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow" I say

"See you" Miss Williams says and then the line goes dead.

"Is Jade coming home soon?" Perrie asked like a little child asking for his mummy.

"Hopefully soon" I say smiling happily.

I hope you liked it!!

Stay awesome!
Phoebe ❤️💖❤️💖❤️

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