Chapter 1:Perfection

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Frick it's cold in Columbus. Why did we even have to move? San Francisco was so much least warmer than this horrible winter. At least you didn't leave any friends behind...oh wait you didn't have any. "Honey come downstairs for breakfast!" My mother yelled cheerfully.
"Coming!" I yelled back, racing down the stairs. I swallowed some toast, chugged some juice and headed out the door before my over-excited mother asked any questions. I ran swiftly in the cold air, pulling my bright beanie over my ears.

I made it to the door of the school before he came back. Blurry. Don't try so hard to make any friends. We all know if you ever have friends it will be out of pity.
He hisses in my mind as I reach for the handle of the door. As I walk into the building, my brain freezes and I just keep telling myself, one foot in front of the other, it will be fine this time. No it won't blurry taunts. I continue to stare down at my feet as I walk. That is when I run into him. Perfection.

Insecure Thoughts and Colorful LocksOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora