Chapter 5: depressing slop amd therapy

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AN-some references to memes, and TØP. Just saying. Enjoy. There is some gay banter so if you don't like it and it bothers you I am really sorry. -N

Lunch~ Josh pov

I really wanted Tyler to sit with me at lunch so I asked him too "Ty, if you don't have anyone to sit with, you can sit with us.... I mean if you want too." I stated. Tyler's face turned a beautiful shade of red. why does he have to be so cute. Tyler just replied with a slight nod. As he followed me into the cafeteria. Brendon stood on our usual table and waved his arms while Dallon pulled onto his jacket. We made our way (downtown) to the table through the crowded lunchroom. I sat down in front of Brendon and Tyler ended up sitting next to me. He sat next to me willingly. That never happens. No one ever wants to sit next to the punk gay guy.

3rd person

Dallon went to get his food while Tyler goes into his own little world and Josh starts drawing. Brendon looks between them pondering for (something great) a ship name for Josh and Tyler. Brendon has always been the ship master, or so that is what Dallon called him. When Dallon returned with his food, he looked at Brendon and said "The kid is in my seat!"
Brendon kicked Dallon under the table, failing to be discreet. "What seems to be troubling you people?" Tyler asked. "Oh nothing! Dallon was just mad that they ran out of pineapple!" Brendon replied. The group looks at Brendon and Josh finally says "you know Dallon is allergic to pineapple right?" Brendon says for him to shut it and let him eat his chicken. "He must be on something again" Dan said to Phil whispering. Brendon sighs and says "I forgot to take my medicine this morning."
" you need to go to the nurse to get your medication." Josh replied tauntingly. "SHUT UP GAYWAD!" Brendon yelled so the entire cafetorium could hear him. Everyone in that cafeteria looked at the yelling boi. "WHY ARE ALL YOU IGITS STARING AT ME! GO BACK TO YOUR SAD LIFES AND EAT YOUR DEPRESSING SLOP!" Brendon looks toward Josh and says "Is your dad open for 5 by any chance?" Josh was still surprised that Brendon called him a gaywad. well it wasn't the first time and it won't certainly be the last. Dan spoke up "Are we just going to sit here like a bunch of idiots for the rest of lunch hour or are we going to shoot some hoops?" The group nodded in agreement to go play basketball. As soon as they got to the gym, Josh goes to sit on the bleachers with his sketch pad. Tyler just stands there. Soon Brendon asks " are u going to play some basketball or are you just going to sit with the gaywad? Either is cool." He stated shrugging. Tyler looks up and says "well....I.....uh..f-fell and...uhh...hurt my wrist soooo...I'm just going to sit with Josh."

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