Chapter 6

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"What are you sorry for?"

"For being childish."

"It is not your fault..."

There was silence, neither say anything to one another. Instead Lea had fallen asleep, Tiger Claw watching over her.

That afternoon, Shredder had returned from his meetings.

"Did she behave?"

"She did master."

"Good, she will not be the same when I get through with her..." Shredder said laughing evilly.

Tiger Claw shivered, "master, if you do not mind me asking...what exactly are you going to do to her?"

"I am going to break her, then take something from her that can never be replaced."

"And what exactly are you going to take from her?"

"Do not worry Tiger Claw, you can be a part of it if you'd like." Shredder said smirking, "I bet you would want to help, especially after the way I saw you looking over her."

Tiger Claw shivered, he had a feeling to what his master was referring to.

"Why isn't she replying!!!" Raph yelled.

"Raph, she's probably busy with work!" Donnie yelled back.

"I've been texting her for the past three days now!!! I don't think she'd be working for three days straight!!! I know something happened to her!!!"

"Will you two stop fighting!!!" Mikey yelled, getting in between the two fighting brothers.

"You know what...if you feel like something happened to her, why don't you go and find her!!!"

"Fine!!! I will!!!"



The two went their separate ways. Raph going to the room he stayed in and Donnie going to his own room.

Mikey watched as Raph and Donnie left the room. "What am I going to do..." he said shaking his head, going to his own room.

"I'm leaving and goin' ta go find her..." Raph grumbled to himself while packing his bag. "Now where did Mikey say she lived?"

'"Leona Hamato had been on the same plane when Raph had come. They both got to know each other and then me and Raph had a fight that seemed to make her uncomfortable and she left this morning without saying goodbye."

Mikey looked shock..." know what, I just ran into her at the airport."

"Are you serious!!!" Raph fumed.

"Yeah, but she's going to California."'


Raph grabbed his phone, turning off the lights and getting into bed. He looked up the next flight to California, "6 a.m., jeez, to early in my book, but it's for Lea."

Raph quickly set an alarm to wake at 5 a.m.. He was determined to wake up and find out why Lea hadn't been replying to his text messages. He knew something was wrong with her...he felt within his gut that something was wrong with her...he just didn't know what it was exactly.

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