Chapter 3: Unexpected Visitors

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****Author's Note**** The picture is what I imagine Thomas Delega to look like

Well, what happened?

The young man stepped forward and almost simultaneously as I did.

Disbelieving that this was actually real. I started to stick my hand out and introduce myself.

"Hello," I said again. I cannot believe I just said that again. I thought, slightly mortified. "I'm Lucy Pevensie." And I smiled at him again. But at least I had gotten the words out. And it's nice to smile at people, isn't it?

The young man grinned right back at me and took my hand in his, bowing lightly before kissing it. His hand felt warm and soft. It felt, nice, I decided. 

Even if it meant he was probably a young man from the city, not that I had anything against young men from the city. I mean, I come from a little city but I guess I'm rather partial to a man having rougher hands than your own, it shows he's a hard worker.

Like Caspian. A little voice at the back of my head said. I grimaced and forced my annoying, arguing self away. 

Anyway, the young man with the nice hands said. "It is quite a pleasure, Lucy". He didn't used my last name. It felt strange, almost more intimate, like we had known each other longer than a couple of moments.

His words made a new bright red blush rise up my neck and make it's way to my cheeks.

I probably look like a strawberry, crossed my mind. 

I nodded that I was indeed pleased too, more than he I was sure, for a very different reason than he, undoubtedly. "It is nice to meet you too". 

He replied back instantly. "Oh, but it truly is my pleasure".

A little frown made it's way onto my entirely too vibrant smile and a little niggling began in the back of my mind that I ignored. I guess he didn't notice my confusion as he continued.

"You see Lucy, I have heard so much about you. I feel as if we are indeed already acquainted".

This time I frowned in earnest and said, rather abruptly. "Just who are you? I am quite sure I've never seen you around here before." And I hadn't, I would have remembered his accent. His voice was a little deeper than Eustace's, but more heavily accented, he didn't sound English though.

My flirty smile had by this time (or what I thought was my flirty smile) almost completely melted from my face as I waited for him to respond. I crossed my arms. 

He looked taken aback for a moment. "Oh pardon me, I hadn't meant to be rude. You see my name is Thomas Delega". He recovered from my accusing question. Then raising a brow a little he waited.

It dawned on me that he was expecting me to recognise his name. But I didn't. I hastily scanned my mind for not only his name, but a response. Coming up with nothing I stated rather more calmly than I thought possible for me. 

"A pleasure, Thomas".

Still that same niggling become stronger. His name did sound familiar, but from where I didn't know. And how did he know me?

Thomas Delega seeming to read my mind said, "You truely do not know who I am, do you?"

The blush in my cheeks deepened, but I pressed my lips together and shook my head, no. He just smiled.

I noticed his lips were rather thin and pale. Unlike Ca--- I cut my observation off short. 

I was not about to compare the two, how ridiculous. 

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