Part One~

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Tauriel slid her knife out of a dead spider. "That should be the last of them for now." She said, tiredly.

Several of the other elves scoured the area to confirm Tauriel's statement. Suddenly, a rustle sounded from at the edge of a clearing. The elves' excellent hearing picked up a faint huff of breathing.

Tauriel stealthily crept over to where they had heard the sound. Quietly, she fit an arrow to her bow. She jumped out of hiding and aimed it at the maker of the noise.

To her surprise, the area was empty! All that was left were several sets of damp footprints. Although, the maker of the footprints seemed nearby and Tauriel barely caught a glimpse of it running away.

Tauriel sprinted after it, following the tracks. Her Elven feet practically flew in pursuit of it. 'It could be a spy.' She thought.

The strange being seemed to hear that it was being chased and began to run even faster.

Tauriel noticed it was picking up it's pace. She ran even faster. Finally, she caught up with it and aimed her bow at it. "Stop or you're dead!" She exclaimed.

The being froze and gasped for breathe. Clenching and unclenching its fists in frustration.

"Turn around so I can see you." She ordered. Tauriel considered it to possibly be an Orc or an Orc spy.

The dark robed being slowly turned to face the elf. It's face was covered by a mask, but it's eyes could be seen. They were dark brown, almost black. As Tauriel looked closer, the eyes seemed to spark with anger.

She shifted, a bit unsettled.
"Take off the mask." She ordered.

The being didn't move. Suddenly, it reached down, pulled out a hidden blade, and jumped at Tauriel.

Tauriel's swift reflexes reacted and she jumped out of the way. Then, she pulled out her own blade and charged at the being, red hair flying.

It counter-acted her stab and brought its own blade down, ready to strike.

Tauriel deflected the blow and flicked the blade out of the being's hand. Then, she flicked her own blade up to it's neck. "Remove your mask." She commanded. By this time the other elves had caught up to Tauriel and had surrounded the being. They all had their bows notched with arrows and pointed at it.

The being narrowed its eyes before slowly reaching up and complying. The face of a youthful girl appeared beneath the mask. Her face was twisted into a grimace.

"What is your business in these woods?" Tauriel questioned.

The girl snorted, "It's none of your concern." She diverted her gaze to the nearby arrows and back to Tauriel.

"Very well." Tauriel said to the girl. Then, turning to the other elves, she said in elvish, "Take her to Thranduil." The elves instantly obeyed and two of them came and grabbed both of the girl's arms and led her away to the King of the Woodland Realm.

She struggled and shouted, "Wait...stop! What are you doing?!" She wiggled and tried to break free as they dragged her away.

"There is no use struggling, human. You cannot escape." Tauriel told her.

"I didn't do anything wrong!" She plead, "Please, just let me go and I'll leave your stupid forest!"

Tauriel sighed in frustration. "You may be a spy. These are dark days. We trust no one."

The girl practically snorted, "Are you serious? I can promise you this, I am NOT a spy."

Tauriel barked a humorless laugh. "You promise?" She laughed again. "You must go to the king."

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