Part 6: As Maid (day 1)

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At the evening , servents were preparing for dinner. All this time Nisha was observing others and helping May Rin here and there. Thanks to Nisha's help, May Rin didn't break plates or did any kind of big mistakes. Sebastian became impressed on Nisha because of her help. After dinner was finished, servents were preparing for rest, Sebastian went to Nisha and said, " You did a good job today Nisha. I'm impressed."
Hearing this Nisha smiled happily at Sebastian and said, "Thank you Mr.Sebastian. I will try to do my best from now on."
Nisha was really happy to be help. None had ever praised her for her help. This was the first time anyone has ever praised her.

Sebastian looked at the eyes of Nisha which were brimming with joy.
"She is looking so cute." Sebastian thought to himself.
Sebastian smiled at her hole heartly and said, "I look forward to it. I hope you do great work tomorrow as well and make me more impress day by day."

This made Nisha blushed and happy at the same time. "Yes. You bet I'll do." Nisha said smiling more brightly.

When Sebastian was talking happily with Nisha and smiling whole heartily at her, other servents were starring at them. Bard was really shocked. "Sebastian is praising a servent? That is rare, like totally impossible. And on top of that it is that new girl. Oh... boy, we never had any praising from Sebastian at all."
Finny was shocked at first but then he smiled cheerfully and said, "Mr. Sebastian looks happy. This is the first time I'm seeing him smiling so generously at a servant. Nisha must be really good for earning his praising. I wish I also could get praising someday from Mr. Sebastian dome day."
May Rin didn't say something as she was looking at them. She was feeling off due to this scene. "Am I being jealous of Nisha?" she thought to herself.

After finishing their works servents return to there own rooms to call the day off. Nisha was thinking that maybe working at the Phantomhive manor won't be bad at all. The thought o f Sebastian praising her made her happy and at the same time blushing lightly.

Sebastian had already prepared Ciel for bed a long time ago so he had to do nothing at the moment. He already took a bath and now he is in his pajamas. He was sitting on his bed playing with a cat he found on road sometimes ago. "Today was a great day and there was no big problems thanks to Nisha. She is really sincere with her work. But something beside that makes me happy to be around here. Her blue eyes brimming with joy and happiness and her cheerful smile makes me happy also. What is it that I find her so charming? She is a beautiful lady but that's not all to her, is it?" He kept thinking about her.

May Rin was in her night gown and she was lying down on her bed. She can't sleep at all. Her mind was filled with the thoughts of Sebastian and Nisha. She can't bear to see them together smiling happily at each other. That was the 1st time she saw Sebastian smiling so sincerely and happily at a servent, on top of the at a girl? Could it be that Sebastian has started to like Nisha? Does Nisha also like Sebastian? Then what was going to be with May Rin and her feelings? She had loved Sebastian from the 1st day. Will her feelings ever reach Sebastian? Will Nisha take Sebastian away from her?
May Rin's restlessness was rising as she was thinking about all that.

( oh at last I finished this chapter and upload it. Sorry for a late update because I was busy with my works and had no idea how to continue this story...)

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