Youre kidden right?!

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Hey guys!!! Sorry i havent uploaded for awhile, im going o mostly upload every weekend, untill i get my own computer  and can upload everyday!! Im also reading The Hunger Games so i will upload more aroun d10 at night. Any way sorry the last chapter is short im going t otry and make this chapter longerrr <3 xoxoxoxxooxxoxox ENJOY!!xoxoxoxooxoxoxo


Today is thursday, i have been in school for almost a weekd now. And me and Jake have gotten close, like relationship close! We flirt with eachother everyday and he is soo sweet. I think he is going to ask me out soon because he has been hinting around for a day or two now. Oh and he gave me a nickname, its dollface :)

"Hey jake!" I say happily as i walk into 1st period.

"Hey Doll face!" He relpied with a sexy smirk on his face. "How are you doing this morning?" He asked

"Im doing well, how about you?" I replied with a smile on my face.

"Im good now that i've seen you!" He said still with that sexy smirk on his face.

"Awww your so sweet ha-ha" I laughed.

"You betcha!" He laughed back.

"Ok childen, or teenagers, or whatever you are, quiet down now, class is about to begin." Mr. Smut said tiredly as usual. "Today we will be learning about the 1840's.  "Now who can tell me what war happened in the 1840's?"Smut asked

*Owen raises his hand*

"Yes owen?" Smut asked

"The mexican-american war!" Owen said proudly.

"Correct! Now who can tell me what they fought between Mr. Smut  asked.

*Chris raises his hand*

"Yes chris?" Smut asked

"Um, peace?" Chris said

"Uhh, no! Elizabeth, what did they fight between."

"Um  mexico and the usa?" Elizabeth said nervously.

"Correct!" Smut said happily.

"Now who can tell me  what happened in 1848?" Smut asked

"Jake raises his hand*

"Yes jake?"

"Um the mexican- american war ended?".

"Well yes, but thats not what im looking for." Mr. Smut said

"Oh." jake said

"Anyway, class will be ending shortly, so go ahead and talk to your friends but not loudly, oh and be prepared for tomorrow, we will be talking about the 1760's." Mr.Smutt said  

Me and jake practicaly ran towards eachother, I think class today was pretty boring. 

"Hey doll face" Jake teased.

"hey mr. Flirt ha-ha." I teased back.

"So class was boring today."Jake said

"Yea, i know. Who cares about back then?" I asked

"Yea really. Like its done and over with why do we care ha-ha." Jake laughed

"So, what are your plans for tonight?" I ask trying to change subject.

"Nothing really, but i was hoping maybe i could hang with you later." jake flirted.

"Oh are you!?"  I teased.

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