a few weeks later...

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Hey guys sorry i havnt uploaded much lately. ITS SUMMER!!! yay haha i can upload more now :)

Well ok its been a few weeks since that bad fight thingy that happened. Yes jake recovered from the knee to the groin. He hasnt been talking to maddy at all but he does keep looking at her when he see's her.

Some news about maddy: she has gotten a boyfriend named Kyle. Now kyle is a friend of Jake, but when he found out what jake tried to do to maddy he beat the living shit out of him! There not friends anymore:/  Ok no more spoilers hahaha enjoy :)

So its june 5th, school is over on the 8th. 3 more days of school left, and then its summer! Im going to be in 11th grade.

Me and kyle are doing good so far. We've been dating for 2 1/2 weeks now!  He is really sweet to me and what he did to jake was so funny!

"Kyle!" I shouted as i ran over to him in the hallway.

"Hey babe." Kyle said as he hugged me.

"How was your weekend?" I asked, we didnt get to see eachother over the weekend, he went to a family thing.

"It was ok i guess, how was yours?" Kyle asked.

"It was ok, i missed you!" I said before kissing him softly on the lips.

"Awe, i missed you to!" Kyle cooed.

"Please dont do the baby voice, you know i hate the baby voice." I said with a striaght face

"Sorry babe."

"Its cool, i gotta go i'll text you." I said before kissing him one more time then skipping to my locker.


"Oh shit!" I mumbled to myself as i grabbed my spanish book from my locker. I Slamed my locker shut and booked it in and out of people to get to class.

"Un gusto que nos unan maddy." Miss. Tess spoke to me in spanish.

"uh, Siento intentaré y hacerla ontime próxima vez" I spoke back in spanish.

"Ok class, today we will be learning normal coversation. Like 'Hey guess what, my mom bought a new car' or 'I will have to make up a lunch detention for being late' am i right miss. Maddy?" Miss. Tess asked

"SI?" I said

"Bueno!" Miss.Tess said before grabbing papers and passing them out.

"Now class, i want you to have a partner, so pair up." Tess spoke. Everyone cheered and scattered around the room.

"Maddy! Over here!" Emily shouted. Emily was pretty much a nobody, i didnt want to work with her but no one else was left.

"Heeey, emily." I said as i sat down next to her.

 "So what type of conversation do you think we should have?" Emily asked

"It dont matter." I said looking away

"How about what we did over the weekend."Emily asked

"Uh, sure i guess."

"Ok i'll start." Emily said. "Hola, maddy. Cómo era su fin de semana?"

"Bueno..." I replied.

"¿Hiciste algo interesante?" Emily spoke

"No...¿Esto es aburrido realmente tenemos que hacer esto?" I asked

"Si, lamentable pero usted se puso a o usted falla" Emily spoke

"Dios maldito"


Hahah sorry about that whole part being in spanish, if you didnt understand it then it really dont matter, if you can speak spanish then cool. Sorry about ending the chapter so soon! I am tired as ever and i wanted to start updating sooner so once again sorry.



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