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"Why would you do that?!" I yelled at Sehun the moment we were alone in my dorm room, where I kissed their cards to summon them. Both Xiumin and Baekhyun were staring at me, as if waiting for me to say something absolutely wrong and menacing to Sehun, when he was at fault to begin with. Sehun was looking away from me, at my bed to be specific. His gaze was hard while glaring at nothing in particular, and he didn't even dare look at me or acknowledge I existed. He was also panting, and radiating immense annoyance and anger that made me wonder why. Wasn't he the one who didn't want to fight any of the other warriors? But suddenly, here he was; attacking one and putting my secret at stake.

If course, Sehun didn't reply; and I honestly didn't intend him to do so. I wanted him to listen to me, and maybe step down from his ego ladder. His two brothers kept staring at me with strange faces, and I didn't bother looking back at them or I might break down. "I've told you how many times exactly not to raise any suspicion? I told you not to use so much of your power, Sehun. Why won't you listen to me when I tell you anything?" Sehun didn't look at me still, but I could see his lips quivering. As much as I was affected with that single movement, I didn't let it show. I know I've said I wouldn't give up hope to these boys, but Sehun's behavior isn't acceptable. He was acting childishly, and he didn't care that people would want to take him away from me. Then it clicked in my head, and I stared at him with wide eyes.

"You don't want to stay with me?" at that question, he snapped his head at me with wide eyes oozing displeasure, and I could see disbelief written clearly in his eyes. "What...?" was the only thing he let out from his still quivering lips.

"Sehun," I sighed heavily, closing my eyes in disdain and trying to formulate a decent sentence in my head without sounding desperate. "If you wanted out, you could have told me," I reached for his card inside my pocket and showed it to him with a sad face. "I would have given you everything you wanted,"

"Hani. Your mom said not to give us ou—" I cut off Baekhyun before he could continue with a rise of my hand. Sehun was still eyeing me with astonishment, Xiumin too, and I wondered what he was thinking. "I would have given you anything," I repeated, stretching my hand and offering him the card.

"Are you giving up on me?" Sehun finally sounded, and I snapped my head up with thumping heartbeats. There was something along agony in his eyes, and there were tears brimming in his eyes. Then I remembered when my mother said they don't feel any pain, and I wondered if that time, she had meant both physically and mentally, because if she did; then she is wrong in both aspects. Sehun's scrunched face, and his glinting tears were reflecting only one emotion: pain. I wondered now, if I had done a wrong thing with giving Sehun his card. Sehun glanced down at his card in my hands, the first tear falling down his left cheek. Then he maneuvered around me and rushed out of the room with his tears falling down. I felt something crack in the depth of my soul, and I wasn't sure the bang I heard echoing in my ears was the sound of my heart or not. I was sure with one thing though; and that I've just made a horrible mistake even if I didn't need it.

I stared at the two warriors in front of me, and they were looking at me with sympathy written in their eyes. I would take sympathy over any other negative feeling they might show me. "You know, Sehun is all bark with no bite," Xiumin started speaking when he could see my face dropping, and how my mood started to get crappy, as if it wasn't crappy as it already was. I nodded at him, kind of realizing that with all his arrogant attitude already.

"He is the youngest; you know, from us all. He is overly sensitive, and gets attached too easily. He thinks everyone would give up on him eventually," Xiumin added when I didn't say anything else. I sighed at him, but I realized he said he was the youngest and new questions started buzzing in my head, just when I lifted my head to stare at him weirdly, I caught Baekhyun nudging him softly on his sides, Xiumin sending him a look before he gulped down. I realized then, that Sehun being the youngest wasn't something Xiumin was supposed to mention, and that made me even more curious.

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