The Guest

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"My uncle is coming for a visit. He will be around for a week or more". No response from me. " He couldn't come for the wedding so this is his way of apologising". Still no response. "Well at least, he is not like the rest you think are out to get you". I lift my head, still didn't offer a response. I thought hard, its true though. Its either his uncles were kissing my ass or his Aunty's were trying to butter me up or the wives were trying to get me to join their little Suburban Housewives bullshit club. I am not a follower, I am a leader. They basically were ok, save one so I shrugged and said "ok". As long as it wasn't Theia and Bastien, i'm OK with it. I accept whatever baggage this uncle brings.
I wrote him a list of food items to get and he left. I sat and thought about his family, Theia was basically his cousin, Bastien's wife. We were from the same town, Westerton. Where she was a commoner and I was the crown Princess. She hated me and she never was shy to show it. Her husband was a fantastic person whom she soiled with her bad attitude. Now it permeated their kids too. I don't give a fuck cause far as I am concerned, i wasn't put on this earth to please that bitch. On to the next. Now I have to whip up my bad ass culinary skills. I have to wow our guest of honour. I am thinking different continental meals everyday, hmmm? Yes... I think, Chinese, Indian, English, American, Mexican, Italian and Nigerian. Variety adds spice to life! OVERKILLLLL! The devil on my left shoulder blade is a frigging buzzkill tho.

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