Alpha Jade.

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Author~Chan: I'll do my OCs death if you guys want to~ I might anyway and I'll make an story with my friends in it too. I've been wanting to for a while now. Seemed like a good story to me.
    My world is ending, my world is ending and its ending now... I look around seeing my friends frown at me, and look down at me. My heart sank, I shouldn't have killed them, then I wouldn't be in this situation. I look over at Monokuma and he slams down that intimidating red button. The screen saying "Alpha Jade was voted guilty. Time for her punishment" in all pixels with my pixelated self being dragged by a pixelated Monokuma. I started to shake, fearing over my own life. What was he going to do to me?

    "Well well! Lookie here it seems Alpha did kill them! Well! Time for her punishment~" Monokuma said sweetly and then vines grabbed hold of my feet and torso and dragged me down the hallway where my other friends have been dragged down into. Chaiden, Digi... Now I'm next. The place where I was about to be executed is being built and soon I black out.

    I wake up and I don't see a way out but I see a vine with lots of thorns on it; I look up and see light, maybe its a way out? I grab the vine wincing, but then start climbing the thin, seemingly strong vine. As I climb the more my body grew sore. I stop and look up seeing blades spinning and spikes thrusting in and out of the wall. I gulp and keep climbing letting the blades cut me, letting the spikes stab me. My body ached more and the thorns weren't helping. The blades made deep cuts making me bleed and scream in tormenting pain. (See? I know a few big words...) The spikes would stab me and I would fall a bit holding onto the now swinging vine. I kept climbing, anything to get my out of this hell! The blades cut my feet off, and all the blood I've lost makes me light headed, but I'm getting close and I know it.

Soon I'm near to top and when I do I reach up and to only find a dead end... With only white paper that falls on my face and gets stained in blood. I move the paper only to see the vine losing stability.(I feel smart using these words~) I prey and hope that it won't snap, but I realize this is my execution and there's no way out of it... The Vine snaps and I fall down what I climbed. Then I feel something sharp going through all the way through my body.

Third person point of view

What Jade didn't know what her body got in the way of a huge, pointed pencil. Her blood dripping down the yellow wood, and her clothes staining red. Her friends or the players were watching her the whole time. A few cry, a few doesn't mind much, one faints. Now that Alpha was out of the picture that doesn't mean the game is over. Not just yet. The players go back to the main area confident that they will survive. Jade was a beautiful girl, but after going slightly insane she had to kill the twins, to get her point across. This made her death significantly important, that the other players wouldn't find out until the end.

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