Chapter Ten:

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Haley's P.O.V:

The next morning I wake up in Sam's arms. I look over at her and smile. She looks so much like an angel while she sleep but she always looks like an angel, because she is my angel. Other than my splitting migraine everything feels right with the world. She opens her eyes and looks at me. She sees me smiling at her and she smiles back. She cuddles a little closer to me.

I lay there for a minute thinking about how perfect this moment is until I look at my phone. I see that I have ten missed calls, five voice messages, and twenty text messages. I open my text messages and the first ten are about this boy James. People texted me telling me about what happened to him and then finally a few told me that he is ok. The other ten though are about a boy on the football team getting killed.

Damn that is not something you want to wake up finding out. Sam sees the look on my face and she says, “ What's wrong baby.”

I show her the text messages and she says, “ To the first ten at least that dude ended up being ok but to the other ten what the fuck.”

I just nod not knowing what to say. I get up and go to the bathroom. After I get out Sam and I head downstairs. We tell Shelly about my text messages. She says, “ Damn well at least my man was there to save the first dude. Just sucks about the other dude. A football player from our high school hasn't been killed since Aiden got locked up. Do you think it could've been the same person who did the killings?”

Sam says, “ Even though you both know how much I hate to say this but no they got the man who did it. If they didn't then Aiden wouldn't be locked up.”

I say, “ Yeah but what if they got the wrong person when they arrested Aiden.”

Shelly nods. Sam says, “ You know that we were best friends and I would love to think that they got the wrong man. I thought for two years that they got the wrong man. Now though I think I didn't know Aiden as well as I thought I did.”

London comes downstairs and hears what we are talking about. The parts she didn't hear we fill her in on it. She says, “ Well there hasn't been a killing in three years which to me means that Aiden was the one who killed the first football player. I just hope they find the one who did it this time.”

I nod seeing how she has to be right. I change the subject to what we all want to do today. I don't feel like talking about a dead football player anymore.

Sam says, “ I'm sure that three out of the four of us feel like shit so how about we just chill around the house today?”

We all agree that that sounds like a great plan. Shelly goes and makes us drinks and bring us advil. We take it and drink our drinks. We sit in silence until the advil kicks in.

After it kicks in Sam turns on a movie about four best friends who go on a road trip. I cuddle up to her on the loveseat while London and and Shelly sit on the same couch.

I end up falling asleep halfway through the movie. I dream about the guy who died. It turns into a nightmare really fast and I wake up screaming my head off. Everyone turns to me and look at me funny. I say, “ Sorry bad dream.”

They nod and start watch the tv again. The movie is over and now they are watching a show about sisters who are witches. It seems like an interesting show so I watch with them. After an hour the show is over. Shelly needs to go home. I agree to take her and ask if Sam wants to go. She nods.

Before we head out Sam says bye to her sister in case London is gone when we get back. We walk to my car and get in, I grab Sam's hand while I start the car up. I pull out of her driveway and drive Shelly home.

When we get there we get out and head inside with her. We quickly notice that Sally isn't here. We all wonder where she is but we don't think about it for too long because Sam let's me know that her parents will be coming back today from wherever they have been. We tell Shelly bye and leave.

I drive back to Sam's house. London's car is still there and their parents car is in the driveway also. We get out of my car and walk inside. Sam's parents our in the kitchen as soon as they see us they walk over to us and gives us a hug. We hug them back.

I am really close to Sam's parents. They are so down to earth unlike my parents. They really want Sam and I to get married one day. Which I do hope her and I get married one day too.

They invite me for dinner and tell me that I can spend the night if I want. I accept their offer. That is just one of the many reasons that I love Sam's parents. They actually don't mind if I spend the night and they let me sleep in her room.

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