Letter 9- Z A Y N

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19 May 2014


Mr. Horan:



I do hope you get this before you leave for your road trip, but of that I am highly doubtful. In the case that you have gone before this letter gets to you, at least you shall have something to look forward to when you arrive safely back home. I will await with an eager mind our conversing once more.


Addressing your latest letter, then. First of all, yes I do read your letters; I’ve made sure the guards in charge of sorting mail filter yours from the ever-accumulating pile of letters that I’m sure are filled with hateful words (words well-deserved, nonetheless). Feel lucky, Mr. Horan, for yours are the only letters I spend my precious free minutes reading. Second, although your apparent lack of regard for your personal safety greatly worries me, it also serves to excite. You see, Niall, I was once adventurous like you, and now see where it’s left me. Rotting here in this hellish prison with murderers, rapists, and the like. Always indulge your wild side, but remember to do so with the utmost caution. I am simply looking out for you as I wish someone would’ve done for me. However, had this catastrophe not befallen me, I think we should have been great friends, you and I. We are so much alike. I see myself in you. You are the good that lived in me once upon a time, before I grew to be the money-loving bastard consumerism crafted me into. Be a good lad and promise me one thing. Promise me that you’ll keep that boyish innocence you’ve gotten me hooked on. It suits you well.


As for your impending cross-country adventure, I have no doubt that you will enjoy yourself thoroughly. My business ventures, if you will, brought me all across the United States, and I can say I have visited many of the locations you will likely be stopping along the way. May I suggest a few places for you to check out? Oregon is actually quite a beautiful state, in my opinion. I lived there for a few months back when my business had me living more or less nomadically. Anyway, my favourite place there was always along the hiking trails of Crater National Park. It’s a gorgeous spot for sightseeing or just to go clear your head. Although, the serenity of nature may not suit your temperance, as I have gleaned from your letters. Might I suggest someplace more… how shall I say, rambunctious? Perhaps the zoo would flatter your childish ways. As for Las Vegas and California, I’m sure you and your friends should be able to find fun things to do without issue. I wish you happy travels and the utmost luck (not that you’ll need it, of course).


Until later,


Zayn Malik.






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