Bonus: News Programme

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NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams

“We interrupt the regular programming to bring you breaking news from Alcatraz prison off the coast of San Francisco. The California police department has just confirmed that an explosion detonated within the prison walls, reducing the penitentiary to little more than jagged brick walls and smouldering rubble.

Witnesses say the impact felt much like a small-scale earthquake. Damage to the Bay area is minimal, but reports look less optimistic about how the inhabitants of Alcatraz Island have fared in the ordeal. Sargent Woods of the SFPD said in the media debriefing that multiple police teams have been sent via speedboats to investigate the cause of the explosion and to help the survivors of this tragedy.

Thus far, police have no estimates of the death toll, but we here at NBC will convey that information as soon as it is made available to us.

Alcatraz first made national news just over a week ago when an anonymous Tumblr user, xbyex, posted multiple rants about the prison and its inmates. San Francisco area police say investigations into the user’s identity were still underway when the explosion took place. With the escalating violence, the SFPD has come to the conclusion that they have no choice but to call in the FBI to identify and apprehend the unidentified suspect. If you have any information about who the suspect could be, please call your local police department right away.

We’ll be back with more on the unfolding tragedy at Alcatraz after this…”

“If you’re just joining the broadcast, Alcatraz prison is once again in the national news. Hours ago, a large explosion took place within its infamous walls, causing serious damage to a place that was once considered as indestructible as the Titanic was supposed to be. Police reports at the moment indicate a high death toll. Estimates are placed at sixty dead, and another two hundred injured.

Rescue efforts are currently underway, but are being stunted by protestors demonstrating at the docks where police and rescuers are trying to unload those injured in the attack.

We’ll send it to Charlotte Wright, reporting from the scene in San Francisco. Charlotte—“

“Thank you, Brian. As you can see, there’s hundreds upon hundreds of demonstrators behind me, all gathered here for one purpose: to try and stop the inflow of injured inmates and guards into the city.

It seems that the people of San Francisco are less than sympathetic about the event: ”

“They got what they [*******] deserved, if you ask me. I’m sick and [*******] tired of have to fork over my tax money just so those sick [********] can live like kings in their little fortress over there. There’s rapists and murderers in there, you know? They’re the scum of the earth and we’re all better off without them.”

“While police onshore are working to dissipate the rowdy crowd, it seems the people of San Francisco aren’t ready to let this go. Tempers are boiling over and questions remain unanswered. What does this all mean for the general public? What will happen to the surviving inmates? And could xbyex be in the crowd here today?

Back to you, Brian.”

“That was Charlotte Wright, reporting from San Francisco. Thanks, Charlotte. And we’ll be back. Stay tuned for more on the unfolding tragedy.”

“We’re back with more on Alcatraz prison. Rescue efforts have been going on for more than five hours now and police are working frantically with prison staff to account for all inmates, both dead and alive. Efforts may take several days as bodies are excavated from the rubble, but police assure us that the public’s safety is their number one priority. That is why all water- and aircrafts are being banned from the San Francisco bay area until further notice. Only police vehicles are allowed within the vicinity to ensure that inmates are not being threatened or rescued by unauthorised individuals.

At this time, over eighty percent of the people on the island at the time of the explosion have been accounted for. Police officials say that they are not able to release the names of those who remain missing at this time.

Tumblr user xbyex has been under media scrutiny for the past week amid threats upon the prison and a select few inmates. It seems infamous gangster Zayn Malik was among the targets. In the final post by xbyex, he or she claims Malik to be “among the most despicable of humans to ever walk this earth, preying upon innocents who have no clue what treachery he’s capable of…” Police have yet to release an official statement about whether or not they believe the mysterious Internet anon to be behind the attack. “Copycats are always a concern, but we are working closely with the FBI to track down the perpetrator of these threats so he or she can be brought to justice,” says officer Josephine Moralez.

More on this story coming up…”


(Sorry for the long wait. Don't hurt me)


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