Aqualad (Kaldur'ahm): I See Fire

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Hey hey heyyyyy, so my bby -voidgrayson requested this one shot and I'm super hyped to write this aghh. Kaldur deserves so much more, and imma make sure this one shot is worth reading for all you Kaldur fans out there.

This one-shot will have girl pronouns to fit the plot as requested.


Being an addition to the young justice league was a complete accident, it just seemed that you had been in the wrong place at the wrong time. Using your fire abilities, you fought off creatures that targeted your homeland, but Batman seemed to have caught you while using your skills, automatically making you part of the team.

The downside of this was having to keep your fire bending a secret, not due to the fact that they were dangerous but mainly out of fear of not being accepted. Being with your people, you knew from experience that your nation had endured discrimination for a long time. Maybe Batman was accepting of it, but that was only Batman and him compared to everyone else on the world was such a minority.

Of course, being on the team had its awesome perks. Like serving peace to where it was needed, and making friends with your fellow protégés.

All except one, that is.

"Really, Kaldur you're overlooking the situation." You defended, your body midway out of the exit to Mount Justice. "I believe that I am under-looking the motive at hand. Where are you going?" Kaldur crosses his arms over his chest as you roll your eyes to avoid his stern glare. "It's none of your business, you wouldn't understand."

"I guess if that's the case, I shall inform the others that you are untrusting." Kaldur taunted, which was completely out of his character to do so, seeming he was so understanding and caring. But something about you drived him to show colours beneath his seemingly kind exterior.

"Just don't tell them anything." You beeged as you slipped into the night, venturing to where Kaldur could not bother you with his lectures anymore.


"She has returned!" One of the villagers cried with joy as you rolled your eyes playfully, allowing yourself to sit by the bonfire surrounded by your people. Being praised was a form of comfort to escape the negativities of the team, so you allowed them to constantly coddle you and bow before you, though you remained rather humble.

"Oh come on, I was only gone for a day." You giggled as one of the children nestled herself beside you, clinging onto your arm. "A day that could've taken our hero away from us." she whimpered as you ran your fingers through her silky hair, sighing at the lack of faith she had in you.

"I won't be going anywhere soon, and even if I do, you'll all be ready to defend yourselves from anything." You reassured, and the girl smiled at you along with the others surrounding the fire. "With just enough training, you'll be able to conquer what threatens our land." You pushed yourself to a stand, overwhelmed with fatigue but you knew that you couldn't let your people--or the young justice league down. No matter how far everything seemed to push your buttons, it wasn't like you to prevent yourself from pushing on.

"Your bending is far more powerful and valuable than ours, there's no way that we'll be able to master it." One of the villagers complained. Frowning, you placed your hand over the bonfire and the crowd watched in awe as you manipulated the flames with such ease, you set the torches surrounding you alight and everyone felt a slight sense of peace. A sense of hope that they'll be alright with all the chaos.

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