Chapter 3 - Snowdin Cold

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"Let's go to the Inn," Mamma Dusk led us through the cold. Soon, we came across a small town. "Welcome to Snowdin!" Dusk led us to a building with the word 'Grillby' on it. We entered.

"Dusk, long time no see!"
"Bark bark!!"
"How're you doing?"

Many monsters greeted mamma Dusk and started talking at once. "I've adopted them, Toriel gave them all to me. They're a handful, but I like the challenge. Grillbz, hot chocolate for all of us, please!" She sat down at a booth and everyone sat as well. Surprisingly, we all fit, even Chara could sit down beside me. A flame monster served us hot chocolate. I didn't mind sharing with Chara. After everyone was done, mamma Dusk led us outside and back into an Inn.

"Ah, hello there!" The Innkeeper greeted us.

"Hello, how many room do you think we'll need?" Mamma Dusk asked, motioning to all of us.

"Hmm...." The Innkeeper thought for a moment. "If there's eight children and one adult..." She continued muttering things to herself. "Then two rooms. It will be a tight fit, but you can always try the biggest room if ya'll don't want to be separated," She suggested.

"We'll take the one largest room, please," Mamma Dust said while paying for the room.

Once everything was settled, we entered our room. Mamma Dusk got the smallest bed, so that left several more, though there wasn't enough for everybody. "You'll have to sleep with your partners, sorry that there aren't enough beds!" She apologized.

"So I have to sleep with Reaper...?" Geno asked. Reaper snickered and hugged him. Geno sighed in defeat as Reaper picked him up and crawled into their bed. Nobody else minded beside Sans and Fresh, they were both slightly uncomfortable.

Of course Nightmare minded. I climbed into bed, which happened to be by the window, and curled up into a ball. Chara laid down beside me and Nightmare was as far from me as possible, which meant he was close to the window. I fell asleep almost immediately.

~~~~~Tem Jump~~~~~

I woke to someone coughing. I opened my eyes and sat up. Everyone was asleep except Nightmare, who was coughing violently. I crawled over to him and was hit by cold air. I looked over to see that the window was wide open and the glass had somehow perfectly fallen out of it's frame and into the snow outside. I took off my scarf and shook him. "S-senpai...?" I asked.

"G-g-go a-away..." He went into another coughing fit. I ignored him and wrapped my scarf around him. He threw it off. "I-I d-don't n-need y-your h-help..." He growled and sneezed again.

"B-b-but y-you're sick!" I insisted.

"I-I'm fine..." He turned over. I sighed and laid next to him, making Nightmare move farther away, nearly falling off the bed. I grabbed him and pulled him closer. Nightmare growled and tried to escape, which he completed easily. I whined softly in protest.

"But s-senpai..."

"Go-" He broke off coughing and laid on the bed, giving up.

I pulled him closer to the middle of the bed and wrapped my arms around him to keep him warm. I used my magic to bring the blankets over us. "Why do you help me...?" Nightmare asked.

"Because I care..."

"Why do you care?"

"You're my senpai and I love you, that's why!"

"You love me...?"

"Of course!"

"But...I treat you badly..."

"I still love you!"

"Okay~ Goodnight, Cross..."

"Goodnight," I yawned, but Nightmare was already asleep.

~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~

I yawned as I woke up. Nightmare was still asleep in my arms, making me bush. I slowly sat up and climbed out of bed and gently shook mamma Dusk. "Yes?" She asked.

"Senpai's sick..." I told her. "The window fell out..." Mamma Dusk got up and saw the empty window frame. She walked over to it and pulled the curtains over it. She briefly left and came back with duck tape, mamma Dusk taped the curtains to over the empty window frame. She picked up Nightmare, who was still asleep, and felt his forehead.

"He's ice cold..." She sighed. "Cross, put more blankets over him while I grab some things," She said as she set Nightmare down. I climbed back onto the bed and placed the blankets over Nightmare. I curled up in the empty space beside him and closed my eyes.

"Cross...?" I heard Nightmare say.

"Yes?" I asked, sitting up.

"Are you cold?" He asked.

"I can manage..." I closed my eyes again, dozing off. I felt Nightmare pull me under the blankets with him.

"I don't want you to get sick," He said.

"But aren't you sick?" I asked. Nightmare didn't say anything. I closed my eyes again. "I don't mind..."

I was about to fall asleep again, but I felt something hug me. I felt my cheeks burn with blush as Nightmare hugged me. I buried my face in his jacket in embarrassment. "'re so cute~" I heard him say. My blush darkened. "I know you're awake."

I looked up into Nightmare's bright purple eyes. "Senpai..." I blushed darker. "I love you!" I squeaked. Nightmare's cheeks burned purple.

"You're so cute~ I love you too~"

~~~~~End of Chapter 3~~~~~

I know it's short I was out of ideas :/

What should the next ship be?

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