coming out

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A while later they are finally ready and just stalling because they want to be with each other, instead of going to breakfast.

Harry: "Do you think we should come out? I want to be able to kiss you and hold your hand in public and stuff."

Draco: " well I do want to come out to everyone but how will they take it? I don't know. We should do what you think is best."

Harry: "Maybe we can do it right now. Walk into breakfast holding hands."

Draco: " okay, let's do this"

Harry and draco interlock their hands and start to make their way to the great hall. They stop in front of the closed doors and turn to look at each other. Harry nods and they push the door open. The entire great hall turned to look at them. The hall went silent. A few moments later, people were gasping and such. Then, a Slytherin girl yelled "Yass! Drarry is cannon! Pay up bitches!!" Draco and harry looked at each other and then the girl, in confusion. Then they heard the clinking of coins and saw people giving other students their galleons. Dean gave a very triumphant looking Ginny a few galleons and grumbled about how harry and draco were "going to get it". Harry and Draco stood their for a few moments until a Hufflepuff girl yelled " Just kiss already! We are loosing our patience!" Draco turned to harry and smirked.

Draco: "want to give them what they want?"

Harry just replied by pulling draco into a kiss by his tie. People cheered and yelled

Do you guys like this format more?? Should I end this here? HERE KYNLEE. (bitch)

Keep it nerdy!

   Corvus Quinn

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