Got you!😜-Fred

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2 weeks. 2 WEEKS! You and George have been planning this prank for 2 weeks. But before we get into everything too quickly let's take a step back and look at why you and George have been spending so much time on this prank.

3 weeks ago...your POV

It was a normal day at Hogwarts. It was a Saturday morning so everyone was either still sleeping or eating breakfast. I was just walking down the stairs when my wonderful boyfriend of 3 months came running down after me.

"RUN!" He shouted as I saw him dashing down the stairs barely dodging people. I didn't waist anytime in running away. Fred Weasley, one of the most famous pranksters of my time came with catches, and one of them is always getting caught into his and his twin's tricks. I decided to look back to see what I was running from and what I saw horrified me!

Behind us was giant, green, gross slime that was only growing and expanding and not far behind us was Flinch shouting at Fred to stop. We eventually made it to a broom closet but it was quite small and the slime trapped us in there. See, Fred didn't think it was so bad but I was quite angry due to the fact that I was starving and it turned out we were stuck in there for 3 and a half hours. But I wasn't the only angry see when we disappeared in the closet George walked by and Flinch thought he was the one to cause it so as punishment George had to dust EVERY SINGLE book in the entire library twice a day for a week! They obviously didn't need to be dusted that much but Flinch was not in a good mood. So as pay back, George and I decided to work together to get back at Fred.

1 week after...

You and George have been sharing looks ever since you decided your master plan...and Fred has noticed. He has noticed how much you have been laughing with George. He has noticed how you two sneak off and disappear for HOURS! Obviously he thought something was going on.

Fred eventually started glaring at George and acted cold towards him. You had noticed and you weren't appreciating his new mood. He would not laugh at George's jokes like he used to and he would isolate himself. You started to get worried but he would do the same to you.

He had had enough so he finally decided to confront you about it.

"(Y/n)? Can I talk to you for a sec?" Fred asked...he seemed dead serious, which doesn't happen a lot. Of course being the awesome and concerned girlfriend you are you agreed and followed him into a empty classroom.

Fred sighed heavily and you knew this wasn't good.

"Do you like George?" He asked looking you in the eye, his eyes slightly watering. You felt a jolt of pain as you saw how hurt he was.

"As a brother...yes, as anything else, the thought disgusts me, no offense." You say, reassuring him. He took a deep breath. He trusts you so much and if you say that you and George are just good friends he will believe you.

"Thank Merlin, I thought you had a thing for him...even though, I AM the cuter twin." He replied egotistically. You laughed at his comment but it helped you remember that he slightly deserved what was coming to him.

"Wait, then why have you two been acting like your hiding something, it sure seems like you have been cheating on me with my own brother?!" He asked realizing that he still didn't know the reason of your disappearances.

"Oh he was just helping me with a surprise gift I'm getting you." You said cooly. You had prepared for this conversation and technical you weren't lying.

"Tell me! TEll ME!! TELL ME!!!" He shouted like a little kid.

"You'll see soon enough." You replied with an innocent smile.

The day of the prank...

It was another Saturday morning at Hogwarts and you and George were in the Great Hall eating. Fred was still asleep but he would be very awake once he took a look in the mirror. You expected to see him marching down the halls and slamming the door to the Great Hall open in pure anger and that is exactly what happened.

There he was...dressed like Umbridge and shouting like her. George and you cursed him to be dressed like that and sound like that for a whole week.

He marched over to you two while you had giant grins of triumph in your faces.

"THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE THE SURPRISE!!!!!!" He shouted in that annoying voice.

"Got you!" You said proudly as you quickly stood up and ran from him. He eventually caught you but he wasn't able to get you or George to change him back. Let's just say he had a pretty bad week, but one that he greatly deserved.

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