What others think of your relationship

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Ron-bloody jealous, if there was ever a good definition of soul mates it would be those two.
Fred-good on his part, she's way out of his league...shhhh don't tell him.
George-I agree with Freddie, you did bloody awesome mate.
Draco- I was surprised, I didn't know anyone was able to fancy a Potter, she's way to cute for him.
Neville- think it might be one of the best relationships in Hogwarts to be perfectly honest.
Harry-super happy for them both, they were bound to get together anyway, routing for it since day one.
Fred-considering his past life with girls, I got to say he really pulled through.
George-took me a while to believe it wasn't a prank, but honestly, she's super fun at family parties.
Draco- weasel got himself a girlfriend! I didn't even notice...hope she's better than that crazy one he had in sixth year.
Neville-thought he would be good with Hermione, but I honestly think this is a way better match!
Harry-those two are super cute together, wouldn't think it at first but it's honestly amazing.
Ron- they're madly in love, kind of sickening to be honest, but it keeps him a little more distracted from pranking me so who am I to complain?
George-shipped them from day one, it took ages to finally get them together so I'm happy it finally happened, couldn't be more perfect.
Draco-I've always liked the twins a little more than the rest so I'm happy that he found someone he truly likes.
Neville-(y/n) has always been a friends so I'm happy she found someone to always make her laugh.
Harry-they are so hilarious together! Always have a blast around them, so I'm super happy they got together, they are perfect for each other.
Ron-she's super fun to have at family parties and he really likes her, they're also super cute together! Couldn't be happier for my brother.
Fred- they are a match made in heaven!  (Y/n) is so fun to be around, she is also bloody good at pranks, my brother did a great job at getting her. Plus, I shipped them since day one.
Draco-super fun couple, probably one of the few I actually like at Hogwarts so props to them! They are also super funny together, they can even get me to laugh a couple of times!
Neville-I shipped them with Fred! I mean come on, prankster x crazy fun cute girl! They are perfect for each other! I think even Professor McGonagall likes them together!
Harry-she's really good for him and he makes her super happy from what I can tell. They can be that stereotypical couple everyone talks about sometimes and I find that freakin amazing!
Ron-not much of an opinion, she can do better...but they can be pretty cute together, but that's all I'm going to say to I don't have to tell Malfoy to bugger off every ten seconds all because of what I said.
Fred-they can be pretty cute together, I couldn't see it at first but it warmed up to me and I hope they stay together because she is probably the best thing for him.
George-shipped them from day one, I saw the way Malfoy looked at her and how she made him smile! I was happy they got together so fast or I would have had to create a master plan to get them together!
Neville-don't have much of an opinion for Malfoy, I'll just say the typical I'm happy for them and they're cute as a couple and leave it there.
Harry-she's just what he needs and he truly likes her, they are obviously happy together so what more can a friend ask for for a friends?!
Ron-I had a mini crush on her but once saw them together there was no denying they were perfect together, my crush faded but in replacement came a new couple I ship.
Fred-she makes him more confident and that is what he needs, and he makes her seem so much more happy, they are the best things to happen to each other!
George-they had that shy relationship in the beginning but now that are super comfortable with each other and are super fun to be around!
Draco-I see them around, I guess they're cute together, I don't pay much attention to them anyways.

Marauder era
Remus-I'm happy that he truly loves and isn't just obsessed with! (Y/n) and him are the most known couple in Hogwarts! He loves her so much and will never ever leave her! She just makes him so happy it's hard to explain!
Sirius-I don't know what kind of friend I would be if I wasn't bloody glad they are together, (y/n) and him do everything together! Plus she fits right in with the rest of us which is great! I don't think he was ever as happy as he is now with (y/n)!
James-they are so cute and adorable together, she loves and cares for him so much and his biggest fear isn't the moon, but losing (y/n) I'm happy he has found someone who loves him so much and he loves equally, or possibly more! And she is friends with the rest of the marauders which is awesome!
Sirius-since I was the one who got Remus to ask (y/n) out of course I'm bloody happy! They are probably the cutest couple in Hogwarts...besides me and (y/b/f/n)!he just loves her so much it's unbelievable.

James-I didn't think he would stay with any girl for longer than a week and a half but I'm not surprised that he changed for (y/n)! She makes him truly happy and she challenges him in a fun way, I believe he won't ever have another girl cross his mind.
Remus-I knew he liked her but after how long they dated I know he loves her, he is good with her and he treats (y/n) great! He truly cares for her and I'm happy he has found someone he loves and who loves him back! Besides, she was already with the marauders so it's not like he isn't around us, if anything he's with us more...if that's even possible!

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