Someone walks in on you two making out

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Sooo this is my first time writing a make out scene, I've read plenty but never written one before, so sorry if this sucks.😬
This will all be in your P.O.V
Harry: I was sitting with Hermione and Ron eating breakfast. Usually it was with my boyfriend and them but recently he has been super busy and I rarely see him. I've asked him about it and he says he just needs time to think about everything and figure out how he is going to stay in a relationship with me, be the chosen one, and still have time for school. I gave him his space because I could see how that would be a lot. I was just about to take a bite of my toast when I felt a pair of arms around me. I quickly turned around and saw Harry. I jumped out of my seat to give him a hug. He then whispered in my ear, "hurry, follow me." He took me by the hand and lead me out of the great hall and into an empty classroom. I hugged him again. "Ugh I missed you so much." He whispered in my ear. I smiled against his chest. He pulled away and looked in my eyes, I couldn't stop smiling. He chuckled lightly and started leaning in. I stood on my toes and closed the small gap between us. The kiss was slow and steady, it was calming and perfect. He placed his hands on my waist gently like I was as delicate as a flower. My hands found their way to the back of his neck. Soon my fingers started pulling on his hair and a soft moan escaped his mouth. He started kissing faster with a little more pressure, I had to take small breaths in between so the kiss could last longer. It felt like we were there for an eternity then all of a sudden the door opened and there stood Ron. Harry pulled me into his chest and I hid my face. "Oh Merlin, sorry mate, I-I'll just go tell mione that you two are ok." He stuttered and left quickly. I burst out laughing the minute the door closed and Harry soon joined in.

Ron: I was in the Griffindoor common room playing 7 minutes in heaven. We were in a circle, there was me, my boyfriend Ron, Harry, Ginny, Hermione, the twins, Neville, and Luna decided to come and join us. It was Ron's turn to spin the bottle, and of course I was hoping it would land on me, and just like magic, it did. Hmmm I'll have to ask Hermione if she had something to do with that. We walked into the closet and we were automatically pushing against each other because of the small space. I could hear all the mumbling from outside the door. "Well, isn't this lucky." Ron stated more than asked while he wrapped his armed around me pulling me even closer, if that is possible. I giggled softly and he stared at my mouth. "Ya know, Fred told me all about this game." I hummed and smirked slightly. He leaned closer and tilted his head I did the same. When we finally kissed I felt as much sparks as the first time we kissed. We separated suddenly to catch our breath, then he just went for again like we never stopped but that's when the twins flung open the door smirking. "Oh bloody hell, you two just have to ruin it." Ron glared. "Yup, and ya love us for it." They said in unison. I just smiled at how perfect this is.

Fred: I was at the Burrow for my Christmas with my boyfriend, Fred, Hermione, and Harry. It was Christmas Eve mourning and after getting dressed I headed downstairs to get some breakfast. I said my good mornings and sat down to eat. After words I went to go wake up Fred because he usually sleeps in. Went I got to his room George just opened the door so I backed up. He sighed and smiled, "I guess it's your turn to try and wake the sleeping beauty...good luck." He said and patted my back and headed downstairs. I walked in to see Fred tangled in his quilt with even messier hair than usual. I walked over and shook him, it didn't work so so I kneeled down and kept shaking him. "Freddy, it's time to wake up." I said as I stood up. This clearly wasn't working so I went down stairs to get a glass of water, George smirked and winked with a thumbs up. I laughed lightly as I went back up stairs and in a sickly sweet voice I said, "Freddy, rise and shine." He mumbled a, "five more minutes love." While turning over with a pillow covering his face. I smiled and dumped the water all over him. He jumped up and looked at me. He started getting up, I screamed knowing he will get his revenge. He chased me around his room till he grabbed me and lifted me by the waist. I screamed and laughed while he smirked. "P-pl-p-please let me d-do-down. I'll do anything." I said while laughing. He put me down and I turned around. "Thank-" I started but he interrupted me by kissing me. It took me barely any time to catch on and kiss back he started walking slowly and soon enough I was against the wall, his arms wrapped protectively around my waist and my arms reached around his neck. The door slammed open and Molly barged through the door screaming, "FREDRICK WEASLEY YOU BETTER GET YOUR ARSE UP THI...oh oHhHh, so-sorry dear (y/n), Fred,  next time when you wake up come down stairs first then you can stay in your room for as long as you like." His face turned beat red and I just giggled.

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