Chapter 4 - Spin The Bottle

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"Quick ground rules: you must kiss the person the bottle lands on. No pussying out. Everyone got it?" Carol lays out. A low agreeing murmur comes from everyone in the circle.

"Okay so who's going first?" She asks. A girl with curly dark hair shot her hand up. Carol rolled her eyes and handed over the bottle to the other girl. Jonathan quickly figured out she was in his English class. Sheri Holland. Sheri softly placed the bottle on the carpet then gave it a quick spin. It landed on a short, acne-covered geek with far too much product in his hair.

"Eww no way! Im not kissing you!" Sheri exclaimed. Carol shot her a harsh look, mouthing the words "do it.". Sheri grunted in disgust but nonetheless sat up on her hands and knees and placed a kiss on the boys cheek.

Carol quickly grabbed the glass bottle and handed it to Steve.
"Wanna go?" She smiled at him.
Steve took it out of her hands and placed it on the floor. Jonathan held his breathe.

The bottle spun around a grueling 9 times before landing still. Jonathan's heart stopped. Was this actually happening? The blood had drained out of his face. He couldn't believe it, the bottle had landed on him. He looked up at Steve with burning red cheeks. Snorts and laughter came from the other kids around them as Jonathan began to nervously twitch in his seat. Steve hesitantly sat up on his knees and crawled closer to Jonathan. Both of them were now in each others personal space.

"No backing out now I guess." Steve quietly whispered to himself or to the crowd, Jonathan couldn't quite decide on Steve's behalf. Steve cupped Joanthans cheeks, closed his eyes and pressed his lips onto the other boys. A giddy "wooooo" erupted from the other teens sitting around in a circle watching the two boys in the center.

Jonathan soon pulled apart their connected lips and sat back down in his place on the carpet. Cheeks sizzling red. He looked up at the other boy through his eyelashes. Steve shot a small smile straight through Jon's heart.

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