Stark vs luffy the final showdown

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Luffy says"you are not my brother my brothers are dead you mimic my brothers one more time and I will kill you""I am your younger brother luffy please believe me I have traveled so far just to be with my older brother""you have mimicked them the last time "I will kick your ass".

Luffy's fist come flying at me straight away he goes into something called gear 2. I think he pumped his blood through his body to get adrenaline but wow he is so fast I can almost not see him.

"I have no other choice then luffy but to fight you, I will win". I turn into a unicorn and I try to shoot him with my rainbow blast, I finally hit luffy in his leg and his fist started to grow bigger,bigger until it was at least 100 foot I was so shocked to see that he had so much power.

He landed his big fist into my horn he yelled out in pain and I, I nearly passed out from all pain, I felt like running away but I had to face my older brother.

"Please brother I don't want to fight you""you said it again, I am not your brother you sick person". He yells out "this is the last fight ever for you stark, gear 4".

"What the hell are you brother""I'm someone who is going to kill you stark" I looked at my brother and he looked like an ape, his legs kept on jumping each time he hit the ground.

Suddenly he vanished and reappeared in front of me with a fist ready, BAM!!!, I went flying he kept on hitting me and yelling these random names I could nearly hear him.

I got up one last time and dashed towards him shooting beams from my horn, I hit quite a few but missed a hell of a lot. He disappeared again where could he be?. He's above, I quickly move out of the way and he says " how did you dodge that"" I don't really know but here I am ready to kick your ass""we should do this more but you've mocked my brothers to much""bring it on then".

I noticed that his crew mates haven't tried to join in the fight, is it because they believe in their captain and they think he will win. Whilst I was thinking luffy gut punched me I puked out blood"goodbye stark"" I've still got a lot of fight left""well what can you see then, look at your body" I looked and there was a sword dug into my heart""well played luffy, goodbye brother". I drop dead and start having flashbacks of all the happy memories I've had with sabo, then I see my father saying good boy. Everything is so dark why? Then nothing it's pitch black.

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