Chapter 2

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Third person POV

Three hooded figures (one is much smaller than the others) are hurriedly walking towards the rickety house called the Burrow. The front door opens, and Molly Weasley walks out. She hugs one of the hooded people, and picked up the smaller person. And walked inside. The remaining two figures apparate to just outside Hogwarts. 

"Hurry up James." The first one says.

"Why are we here anyway?" The second asks.

"We are here, because we need to speak to Professor Dumbledore." The first answers, in an irritated tone.

"OK love." The second person, James, says. "Just make sure you don't bite my head of,f will you Lily?"

"Fine." Lily says. And the two go return to walking. As they reach Hogwarts, James starts to pester Lily with questions. Until she had had enough.

"James!" She shouts, "Ask me one more question and, believe me, I will hex you into the next decade." Hearing this James wisely decides to shut up. 

Lily and James stop at the entrance to Dumbledore's office, saying random passwords until it opens. The two quietly walk up the stairs, and knock on Dumbledore's office door.

"Come in." They here an old man call, and so they opened the office door.

"Ah, Lily and James." Dumbledore says, " Welcome, welcome. What have you came here for may I ask?"

"We have came to ask you a question professor." Lily answers.

"Ask away dear child. I am guessing that it may be about young little Harry."

"Yes Professor." Lily says.

"Please call me Albus, or at least call me Dumbledore. I am no longer your professor."

"Yes prof- Albus." Lily says.

"Good, good. Now what's this you wanted to ask me hm?"

"Oh yes!" Lily exclaimed. " You see Albus, the Weasleys were coming round James and I's house today, and as Harry told me. As soon as he heard the youngest Weasley's name, Ginny. It was as if his heart was trying to join hers. Apparently the same thing happened to Ginny as well."

"Hmm." Dumbledore said. "This I do believe is a soulbond. Very rare. There hasn't been a soulbond for five thousand years." At this James spluttered his tea, that he had made, all over the desk.

"Sorry." James says. His head hung low, as if he was a puppy being scolded for pooping on the floor.

"Don't worry about it." Dumbledore answers, waving his wand to clear up the water.

"What is a soulbond?" James asks.

"A soulbond is where two individual's souls become bonded. They will share the same magical core as well as the same soul." Dumbledore answers. " There are multiple stages of a soulbond. most stages we don't know about, since most of the books about soulbonds were destroyed. But we do know some things about them. A soulbond starts, when one of the individuals here there soul mate's name or preferred name in this case. Then we know that the first stage is sensing when there soulmate is in trouble. The second is one soul mate knowing where the other is, in a general where a bouts. We don't know much after that. But what we do also know is that by the time the youngest soulmate joins Hogwarts, the soul mates are assigned a Guardian. A powerful protector, who guards the bonded until said bonded are of legal age in the eyes of the ministry. Which is 15 years of age. Also this is the last thing we know by the way, " Dumbledore says. " It seems that there are minor deity's watching over this world, and they will take a special interest in the two bonded. We don't know anything else about it." James and Lily's heads were swimming with this new information, as they left to go pick up Harry from the Weasley's. But first they told Arthur and Molly Weasley everything that Dumbledore told them, and all four of them decided to keep it a secret until the two bonded are deemed old enough.

Sup y'all. Thanks for reading.  Hope you enjoyed  this chapter. I will update both my stories ASAP. However I might have to update at night, as my parents don't like it when I go on Wattpad. So watch out for any late night updates. Also if you have any Hinny stories (soulbond or otherwise) private message me the name of your book. I would love to read them. One last thing. If you are wondering why in most author notes I say y'all, it isn't because I am from America. It's because I have seen WAY too many movies, and read too many book coming from America. I actually live in England.
So I will see y'all very soon.

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