Chapter 5

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This chapter is dedicated to CaptainMercy. I have used her name for Harry's sister, because I llove her SOMETHING FLOWERY series. I suggest that you read them if you like soulbonds written by an amazing author.

S'up y'all sorry that I didn't update yesterday or the day before. It was mother's day, and I had gotten back really late because my family and I went away for tea, and I was really tired  and sort of forgot. And yesterday I was so engrossed in a Percabeth fanfic it was hard to write. Any way thankyou Mercedes for your books, and on with the story!!!

--Time skip 3 years--

Mercedes POV

"Hi harry," I say.

"Hey Merc" He replies.

"You do know that the Weasleys are coming round do you?"

"Yeah why?"

"Cause they are going to be here in 5 minutes and your rooms a mess."

"You should see Ron's then." He joked. Dammit. Oh Wait I know what will get him. I lean right down to his ear and whispers,

"Ginny's coming round too."

"Ginny??!!!" He exclaims. He jumps up an looks at his room. 

Harry's POV

Shit. I will never get this place cleared in time. Think think. I know! I run into mum and dad's room to find dad asleep. I think of something to do, but not yet. I carefully grab dad's wand from the bedside cabinet and run back into my room. I'm lucky Mercedes isn't here. She'd tell mum and dad. 

"bene serventur!" I yell. almost immediately everything is put away. That tidy spell is the best I had ever learnt. Now lets prank dad. I make my way to dad's room, when I get an idea. Sirius (or Padfoot as he tells me to call him) is staying for the week. So I go get him.

"Hi pup. What can I do you for?" He asks. And I tell him my plan. "That is good. Lets try it!" Padfoot says, a gleam in his eye. 

James' POV

I wake to see Harry going to place my hand in a bucket of water. I quickly yank back my hand.

"Nice try Harry." I say, "But you'll never be able to beat a Marauder!" Harry's face took a mischievous grin which I knew well, after all I had worn it a lot when my pranks came together.

"Are you sure dad?" Harry says.

"Yes, or at least I think so?"

"Why don't you look up?" I did. and what I saw made me go white in the face. A very large body of water was above me. I went to grab my wand which I saw was on the table, when it disappeared, and reappeared on the floor. I cept trying to grab my wand, the water following me wherever I went. "Dad are you looking for this?" Harry asked sweetly holding up my wand.

"Yes Harry I am." I said. "Please could you hand it over would you?"

"OK dad" he said holding out the wand to me. I made to grab the wand but it too disappeared.

"What?" I heard laughing behind me and saw my son with Padfoot. It seemed that I have been pranked. Harry had my wand and was levitating the water above my head, while Padfoot was making the illusion wands.

"I'm sorry Dad but you have been pranked." Harry said, and with that he released the charm above my head. Soaking me from head to toe.

"A Marauder getting pranked by his own son!" Sirius laughed. " I swear Prongs, once Moony hears about this, we will never let you forget this. Especially when it's on film." He added. What? I cast my gaze around the room and found a little camera in the top corner of the bedroom. Damm my boy is good. Must have inherited something other than his good looks from me.

"Harry Potter!" A voice shouted. Harry, Padfoot and I turned to see a witch with her trademark red hair glaring at Harry.

"Things are about to become even more enjoyable." Sirius whispered. I couldn't agree more I thought.

Hey y'all. I just wanted to say that if anyone wants to know more about the prank, private message me. Once again thankyou Mercedes for writing some of the best soulbond books I have ever read. Your namesake will play an important role later in the story.

See y'all Hinny shippers and Potterheads soon!!!



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