Alola, Ula'Ula.

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I sat up, and grabbed my phone to check the time. 11:20? Man, I slept late. I rolled of the bed, and "ku-thunk!" Goes my head. On the floor. It's not like I'm in a mile high bed, but falling of a air mattress propped up on cardboard boxes isn't the most low thing to the ground, either. I stood up, stretched, had an almost okay posture for a minute, and then leaned back into my normal shitty posture. I was always the tall kid in school, (at least for the days I was there and not playing hooky.) so I have always had to look down at people. (I play video games and use my laptop a lot, which also contributes to my lack of good posture.) I walked into my room and put some water in my kettle to heat up for some instant Tapu Cocoa. (It isn't as good with water, but I have to hurry.) I have a plan for today. I grabbed my SnapBack hat a tee-shirt, shorts, and a pair of boots, threw them on, wrangled up all my hair into a ponytail, and was off on my way. I'm going to Ula'Ula island! I poured my Tapu Cocoa into a travel mug, poured some whipped cream on top of it, grabbed my Pokéballs, and dashed off to catch the 12 o' clock ferry.
After a mad dash, I finally got to the ferry. The captain poked a hole in my card, and I climbed on the ship. After I had found a place to sit, I took out all my Pokémon, and fed my favorite (Aridos) a rainbow bean. I've been trying to catch a Wimpod for a while now, they're really hard to catch. A man said over the intercom "All passengers for Ula'Ula, here's your stop!" Man, already? It feels like I just got on.
After running all the way to route 17, and fighting a few trainers, my Pokémon are a bit tired. I give them max revives and potions (Which I found in random places around here) It's oddly rainy here, nothing I can't handle though. I saw one of the team skull grunts on this road, and I asked her if there was a way to "signup or whatever" she said that "Ifya trying to sign up, I would go to Po Town. It's at the end of this road. The other grunts probs won't be bothering ya, based on your looks they ain't gonna assume you're one of those dumbass kids with the smiles plastered on their faces." I thanked her and walked off. I passed a few other grunts, and then I was there. The gate to Po Town. There was two grunts outside the door, they looked at me and asked if I was on my island trial. I responded with "Nah, I quit that thing years ago." I asked them if there was a way to sign up, and they said that I "gotta ask Plumeria, she's the enforcer and can probably hook me up" They then let me in and a flood of rain poured on me. I was here.

Po Town.
Sorry for not including G in this chapter, yo!

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