Rainy Town

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So, I'm here. Po Town. I walk over to these barricades with 2 Team Skull Grunts, asked 'em if I'm allowed to pass, they asked if I was on my trial and if I'm a cop. I said no to both, and then after I was allowed access, I jumped the barricade. I had jumped may fences before, so it was a piece of cake. I kept on walking, looking down at the wet ground and paint splashes. I looked up and a red pickup truck was right in front of me. On top of it was a 20-something looking girl with pink and yellow hair in quad-tails. She hopped down and asked "Watcha doin here?" I replied with "I'm here to join Team Skull"
"Well, I am the enforcer. You look fine, what types do you use?"
"Bug" I winced. She probably won't respond good to that. Most people don't respond well when they see Bug type trainers.
"Well, you're type choice is good. How old are ya?"
"Same. Well if you want to join the Skull Squad, you're gonna need to talk to Guzma." She gestured to a broken window on the roof.
"By the way, name is Plumeria. Nice to meet ya."
I dashed into the Shady House behind the car. It was huge.
I walked in and the distinct sent of must filled my nose. I walked up the stairs, being careful not to get any glass from the shattered chandelier lodged in my sneakers. When I was talking to Plumeria, she had told me the secret passcodes to get past a grunt guarding the roof. I told him the passcodes and he let me by. I walked out onto the roof and into the corridor leading to a door with many punch marks on the walls.
Guzma's Room.

His Little Bug - Guzma x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now