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Days spent in the comfort of the fairly cheap apartment I called home were always good days. They had their appeals, and I loved them in a way different from moments I spent surrounded by family during holidays, partying with friends or exploring foreign cities. They were lazy and indulgent and so amazingly refreshing.

I needed my fair share of quiet days where I could be left with my own thoughts and enjoy hobbies such as reading science-fiction books and watching hours of TED talks to quench a curiosity that I didn't know existed.

I propped my feet onto the coffee table with coupons laid all over it and snuggled into my fluffy plaid patterned blanket. I heard the ding of the toaster, but decided to wait until the newscaster was done. I hated cold bread, but the story was personal or at least as personal as a story about a masked vigilante was to a bartender of a family owned bar who had never met the hero in her life.

But really it was very personal.

Spider-man along with all the world's superheroes were a link to the life forcibly taken from me by a mysterious force or just really, really bad luck. I didn't like to think about it much and quickly resigned to the fact returning would be impossible without some other worldly help which was in this reality a possibility, so maybe all hope wasn't lost.

I'm sure that somewhere out there exists a quote that goes along the lines of believe in it and it shall be possible, but unfortunately I didn't believe in it. If I wasn't such a hopeless pessimist, I would probably go out there and grab the likes of Iron Man and ask him to fix the problem which would result in a fixed problem, but I wasn't going to do anything like that ever. If anything I'd like to avoid contact with the superheroes I admired lest I embarrass myself or end up in a life-threatening position.

Look at Gwen Stacy. I wasn't going to be her.

Realistically I enjoyed what I had going for me and appreciated the few blessings I received in getting a job and a worn down apartment.

The clips of Spider-man saving people trapped in a burning building ended, and I didn't wait for the lady to finish talking. Instead taking my blanket with me, I walked to the kitchen and put the two pieces of toast on a plate.

Coating them lightly with jam, I returned to my spot on the couch and turned off the TV thinking that was enough news for the day.

I moved into an equally comfortable position to accommodate my new activity. I laid on my stomach my legs sprawled over the three-seater sofa and a throw pillow underneath my chest. It was the ideal YouTube-watching position and I clicked on the recommended TED Talk video on CRISPR and the threat of Designer babies. From then on I let the auto-play button dictate my experience.

The epitome of lazy that I decided to indulge in until my alarm rang at around 10 am to signal the time I should start doing my laundry and throwing away the hoard of coupons I had saved on my cluttered coffee table. Until then I would drown in facts and knowledge that I couldn't really, really understand with an unfinished major in Mathematics.


Out of the million ways I could expose the fact that Thea was in the Marvel universe I did it in the most boring and uninteresting way possible. I've triggered myself, but I didn't know how else to do it without it being dumb. I was thinking about not exposing it and just waiting, but I decided it just wouldn't make sense.:(

From a disappointed Author.

570 words

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