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Dena had pestered me into setting up something with Caleb, but the more I thought about it the more it gave me anxiety. Suddenly I didn't know how to casually text someone without sounding either overly surfer dude or overly formal. There was no in between, and when I had suggested I just call, Dena had given me the most scandalized look in history like I just called her great grandma a cross-eyed llama.

Although that was the least of my problems, seeing as I had awoken to the sound of my doorbell ringing at 11 am which in any other circumstance should have been by all means normal, but it wasn't. After finding out that you only have 3 other neighbors on your floor and a grand total of maybe 30 residents in the entire 10 floor apartment complex you kind of get used to the quiet and how I missed the quiet.

When I opened the door, I don't know what I expected, but it definitely wasn't my land lady. She was probably around her 60s if the old-lady perfume said anything, but that was the only thing old-lady-like about her other than the wrinkles gracing her face. Her hair was dyed an unnatural shade of blonde that made me think she must have forgotten the second step in actually adding color to her bleached hair. She was really out there in that her clothes were 80s-esque combining over the top shoulder pads with really bright neons. Somehow it fit her aesthetic whatever jumbled up aesthetic that was.

She looked over my appearance probably judging me because it looked like I had just gotten out of bed which I did, but I wasn't the one who wore shoulder pads (plus I was entitled to some lazing around, right?)

She looked tired as though coming to my doorstep had sucked the little life she had left right out of her, and I offered her a smile that she didn't return. Instead she handed me an envelope and drawled, "Get out by next month. If you have any questions call me."

Then before I could actually say anything she left, and I had a feeling that even if I did call after her she wouldn't have stopped.

It took a whole minute for the words to set in and for that whole minute I stood outside my apartment, messy hair, crumpled oversized t-shirt and all, mouth agape and no one to tell me my face would get stuck like that.

Then when I finally gathered my bearings I closed the door plopped onto my couch and opened the envelope.

Apparently the apartment building was getting torn down in a month. Something I should've seen coming with Project Midtown Cleanup finally getting funded, but I had expected only positive outcomes from the fact which was naive in all accounts.

My hand tightened around the letter, and I crumpled it throwing it onto the coffee table, not caring that it fell to the floor. Running my hand through my hair I forced myself to breathe. It would be fine.

I played with the idea of texting Dena, but decided that I should tell her in person instead.

Everything was finally settling down, and now it wasn't. The idea going on another date with Caleb didn't feel possible anymore. I'll tell that to Dena in person too. I was wrong to think something could be quiet for once. It never was.


Dena didn't say anything when I asked her if I could talk. Sometimes I thought maybe I was lucky to have her as a friend. When I ended up in her apartment crying on her lap about how my life was unfair (in more ways than I cared to share) she just hummed stroking my hair and whispering, "we can get through it."

Some how I didn't believe it, my pessimism getting the better of me like always. I didn't bother to say anything; I nodded numbly finally removing myself from her comforting hug to wipe away the tears running down my face.

"Thanks," I mumbled, and smiling brightly, she patted my head smoothing out the messy strands.

"Remember to talk to your friends Thea we're here for you, okay?"

I nodded. Her words were comforting, but there were somethings that I couldn't tell, somethings that I needed to keep for myself.

Dena nodded and stood up. "Marcus it's fine now get out," she called suspiciously to her bathroom.

Then her boyfriend stumbled out of the restroom sheepishly with his hands up. "Promise, I didn't hear anything."

I looked over the messy haired boy and then to my friend. "Seriously?"

"You're the one that called in the middle of-"

"Shut up," I said, but it didn't have any malice in it as a smile tugged at my lips. "Who even does that in the middle of the day."

Her boyfriend at least had the decency to look embarrassed; Dena only shrugged walking out of the room and saying "Who wants omelettes?"

I laughed and followed after her while her boyfriend mumbled out an "I do."


859 words

Authors Note:
Did I mention that this is a slow burn because yeah this is slow, and I'm dying inside/excited for the action. For once I've gotta plan so bye thanks for reading.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2017 ⏰

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