A date?

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Dena's friends were interesting, and Caleb was easily as handsome as she had promised when talking about him at the bar, but I wasn't looking for a relationship.

I sat at the booths uncomfortably in a borrowed black cocktail dress that I thought was both way too revealing and way out of my comfort zone.

I stared at the packed dance floor and spotted Dena somewhere in the middle sloppily kissing her boyfriend, and I repressed a gag.

Caleb was still sitting across from me drinking his glass of whiskey and I sighed. The rest of Dena's friends had disappeared on the dance floor and some went to get more drinks but never came back. I couldn't help but think that all of them were in on Dena's matchmaking project, but I didn't say anything.

"I'm sorry for not being any fun," I tried to say casually even though I was screaming over the blaring music.

He grinned as though he came straight from a Disney Princess book, and I couldn't help but be impressed with Dena's connections when finding hot single men. (Although the reason why he was single was lost to me with a killer smile like that there was no way girls weren't hounding him.) "No that's fine," he yelled hoarsely through the music, "you kind of look like you don't wanna be here!"

I glanced over at Dena who had moved on from making out to sensually dancing, and I laughed. "Well you'd be right to think that," I pushed a strand of my hair behind my ear, "Dena basically dragged me here against my own will."

He nodded and then finished the rest of his drink. "Hey do you wanna get out of here," he motioned to his right ear, "it's kind of loud."

"Sure," I replied standing up and putting on my jacket that admittingly made me feel less exposed and way more relaxed. "Let's go."

We didn't go anywhere. We just stood outside of the club, and he began smoking cigarettes. I didn't comment instead just stared at the puff of smoke coming out through his nose and mouth.

"Are you going to say its bad for me," he grinned.

"I mean that too, but realistically, I just don't like the smell," I shrugged. "I guess we all have our coping methods."

"That's a first," walking towards the trashcan near the entrance, he put the cigar out before throwing it in, "So mine is smoking. What about you? Heard you work at a bar is your coping method alcohol."

"Don't you usually wait till after the first date before digging into the emotional baggage," I redirected carefully.

He laughed which I had been hearing a lot lately, but I didn't really hate his laugh. Much to my dismay it was refreshing, hearty and all the right bits of charming that I wanted to get another one out of him.

We fell back into a silence and I absently stared into a starless sky. I wanted to say something, but conversations may as well have been equivalent to rocket science in my book.

"So," I trailed. "I heard from Dena that you're a graphic artist?"

Casual question to fill up the silence but it only sounded awkward coming from my lips. Good concept, bad execution. I winced inwardly, yet ever the gentleman he was if he noticed it (which he probably did) he didn't mention it.

We fell into a rthymn. Sometimes we'd drift into funny stories that I had plenty of since working at the bar or just simple what's your favorite color. Eventually we had drifted from the alleyway too and somehow to the entrance of my apartment building.

"How'd you end up living here," he asked eyeing the collapsed fire exit connected to the windows looking genuinely worried despite the fact I just met him today.

"Rent was cheap," I said simply hoping to get away from the topic lest I reveal something I'd rather not. "So no kiss on the doorstep?"

He looked stunned for a second before laughing. "I didn't know this was one," he replied cheekily with an all too charming smirk that probably had girls swooning. "And it really depends do you want one?"

"I think I'm more of a slow going kind of gal, Casanova," I grinned.

"Second date then?"

I hummed putting my finger under my chin in mock thought. "Maybe third."

"Well then I look forward to it Ms. Thea."

"Me too."

And I meant it even though I desperately wanted to prove something to Dena, prove that she wasn't as good a match maker as she thought she was, prove that I wasn't in need nor did I want a relationship. But Caleb was surprisingly nice. Really nice and despite everything telling me that now wasn't the time to get into a relationship, I couldn't help but feel excited for our next date.

"Do you want me to walk you up to your door," he asked politely.

"No, thank you for offering though." I looked him over one last time, and then for some reason beyond me I moved closing the space between us and gave him a hug. "I had a great time, Caleb. See you later."

Then I escaped from the situation way too quickly for it to be a normal reaction, but I only allowed myself to groan when I reached my third floor apartment. I could still feel my flushed cheeks, and I chided myself. It was just a hug. No big deal, yet here I was with my stomach fluttering around like some elementary school kid.


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