Chapter 2

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Taylor's POV

Hayley just sung me a song she wrote last night and it was really good although it was totally about Josh but i guess i couldnt blame her considering what he just did to her.... all us of as a band.

"so what are we going to do about Paramore?" hayley asked out of the blue

"ya know Hayley lets keep Paramore going, i feel i have more to do in this band yet, it's my life, its your life and Jeremy's too, we cant throw away what we have, people would kill to be in our postion, we are lucky to have a job that we love and we get to travel the world doing it" i said to her.

Hayley's POV

"thank god you still want this band to keep going, im pretty sure deep down i would shattered if you didn't want to continue, but we still need to see what Jeremy wants to do" i said looking at Taylor

"yeah i think we need to have a little band meeting" Taylor said

"yeah i think that is a good idea" i said

"i feel like i need to write another song right now, you want to help me?" i asked

"sure, write away!" Taylor said

For a few hours me and Taylor sat in his lounge room writing a song, i think it could be one of my favorites. We called it 'In The Mourning'

"this sounds pretty good Hayles" Taylor said leaning over the table reading what i was writing in my lyric book

'thanks, you want to try come up with a tune for it?" i said

"sure, what you think will be a good tune, do you want something rockish or...?" Taylor asked

"no, i was thinking about something different..... maybe make it sound a little country? something like Fleetwood Mac" i said

"hey we should call Jeremy to come over and maybe film us mucking around with this song for the fans to show them we arn't going anywhere.... thats if Jeremy is still in" i said

"good idea" Taylor said coming up with a catchy tune.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and unlocked it and looking through my contracts for Jeremy's number, i found it and hit call. A few seconds later Jeremy Answered.

"hello?" Jeremy said

"hey Jer, it Hayley" i said

"oh hey why haven't you been answering my calls and replying to my messages for week? i was worried" Jeremy said

"sorry jer this whole Josh and Zac thing has really bummed me out, which leads me to the next question... do you still want to do Paramore?" i asked

"hell yeah i do!" Jeremy said back instantly, which put a smile on my face

"ahhh thank god that took some weight off my shoulders!" i said

"Taylor is still in so it just the three of us taking on the world!" i said

"i dont think i ever want to leave Paramore, its my life and its how i met Kat" Jeremy said

"sweet oh yeah i forgot to ask want to come over to Taylor's we are writing a song?" i asked

"sure i will be there in an hour" he said

"ok well me and T are just filming us mucking around for the fans" i said

"ok sounds good, well i will leave you guys to it then and i will see you guys soon!" Jeremy said

"ok bye Jer" i said and hung up.

"ok taylor Jeremy will be here in an hour so lets film this!" i said

We placed Taylor's laptop on his coffee table with the camera on and Taylor sitting next to me.

"hey guys its me and Taylor here, just lett you know we aren't going anywhere and that we are currently writing songs, and we wanted to show you guys this one" i said to the camera with Taylor playing a tune on the guitar.

"ah i get so nevous cause i think they are watching us" i said looking at Taylor

"welp there not" Taylor said and Taylor started to play the guitar

"ok the songs a little like this" i said

"My hearts beating like a steam boat tuggin', all-- wait" i sung while Taylor was trying to hit the right cords with my voice

"wait lets me try with guitar for a second" i said and Taylor handed me the guitar

"man i just dont know!' Taylor said as i started to muck around with a few cords on the guitar

"your doing something way cooler" i said and handed the guitar back to him

"--- All your burdens--- yep ok i think i got this" i said

"You escaped like a runaway train

Off the tracks and down again

And my heart's beating like a steam boat tugging all your burdens

On my shoulders

In the mourning I'll rise

In the mourning I'll let you die

In the mourning all my worries.

Now there's nothing but time that's wasted

And words that have no backbone

And now it seems like the whole world's waiting

Can you hear the echoes fading?

In the mourning I'll rise

In the mourning I'll let you die

In the mourning all my sorries.

And it takes all my strength not to dig you up

From the ground in which you lay

The biggest part of me

You were the greatest thing

And now you're just a memory

To let go of.

In the mourning I'll rise

In the mourning I'll let you die

In the mourning all my sorries." I finished singing

"there we go we did it yeah!" i said jumping up off the couch and stopped filming

"thats was really good i like the feel of the song" Taylor said

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