Chapter 4

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After leaving the Cafe we piled into Jeremy's car who drove me back home. Once Jeremy pulled up in my Jeremy way he turned to face me .

"hayles you should really call Chad, you haven't spoken to the poor guy in weeks, he's probably worried" Jeremy said

"yeah i know i will get to it eventually" i said with a sigh and opened the door to get of the car, i closed the door once i was out.

"bye guys" i said and waved to Jeremy and Taylor and then making my way to my front door of my house, it was only a small house made of stone bricks with big acorn trees surrounding it but it was enough for a little person like me who is bearly home anyway.

I unlocked the frount door and made my way into the kitchen where i drumped my handbag on the counter and then made my way to my bedroom where i changed into my pj's that consisted of one of Chad's shirts which was too big for me but it was comfy and a pair of my favorite sweat pants.

After i changed i made my way into my lounge room and too a seat on my big red couch. Everyone keeps telling me to get rid of this couch but i cant and dont want to because it reminds me of the 'All We Know Is Falling' days and too emotionally attached to and it holds so many memories of the band so it remains in my lounge room.

I leaned forward and picked up my laptop and turned it on. I went straight to Twitter to catch on what's been happening today and replyed back to a few fans. Then i went to Tumblr and reblogged a few things fans had made about Paramore that i loved seeing, which gives me even more hope for Paramore's future. 

Moments later my laptop made a sound a notification popped up signalling that i had an email, i clicked on it and it was from Chad

"Hey H Bomb, how are you? you haven't been answering any of my calls or messages, im getting worried.

love and miss you heaps! Chadball" the email said

"Hey im fine, im sorry i havent been answering anything this band thing really got to me but i think im over it.

i love and miss you alot too, i hope to see you soon when you finish touring for the year!

Hayles." i replied back.

I sat my laptop back on the coffee table and turned it off and turned the tv on. My favorite show The Walking Dead was on, i love this show for many reason but not just because i love zombie things! i love how some of the characters are scared and wimply and they eventually become the strong minded ones being badass' that is what inspires me to fight on through each day and through all this band drama crap.


im sorry i haven't updated in a while real life stuff keeps coming up but do enjoy this.... filler? i guess, i do have some drama and excitment planned for this story now and YES a lot of tayley stuff!

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