Chapter 6.

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I just got off the phone with Adam from our lable and he agreed about recording some songs to release to the fans.

"ok guys we need to pick a few songs" i said opening my lyric book.

"i think we should deffenitly record 'In The Mourning' and 'Renegade'" Taylor said

"yeah i think those two for sure!" Jeremy agreed

"what about these two i wrote ages ago" i said pointing at the two pages scribbled with lyrics

"what are they?" Jeremy said

"there is 'Monster' and 'Hello Cold World' " i said

"ok sing it for us" Taylor said and nodded my head and took a deep breath and started to sing the songs, once i finished them both i looked at the guys.

"wow they're really good they are totally on the list!" Taylor said

"i agree with T on this" Jeremy said 

"ok then, well that's all i have pretty much wrote" i said

"that's ok i think just 4 songs will be better than nothing for the fans, we could also slowly release one by one anyways!" Jeremy said

"thats true" i said

"lets send these songs to Adam to read over and get his aproval" Taylor said

i grabbed Taylor's laptop and started to email Adam the lyrics of the songs for him to read over.

After i finished emailing the lyrics to Adam and checked the time, it was getting late.

"hey guys im going to head home, its getting pretty late" i said

"ok drive carefully Hayley" Jeremy said and stood up from the couch with Taylor and gave me a hug goodbye.

"see you guys tomorrow hopefully" i said and walked out of Taylor's house and headed over to my car out the front. I opened the door and climbed and started the car up, 'The Only Exception' was playing on the radio, it reminded me how much i missed Chad and wish he was here, i still feel bad that i ignored him for weeks because of stupid Josh and his load of crap statement he made about me and the guys but it also made me realise i didn't regret one single thing about all the songs i worte on Brand New Eyes even though most of it was point directly at Josh and the way he treated me. Sure i cheated on him with Chad while we were dating but he was no better running after that stupid girl Jenna who would ways hang around with us when we were on tour claming she was just a friend... well look at them now, all happily married with fifty cats. As for Zac he was cool he was the quiet one in the band when he wasn't goofing off with Taylor, im sure Taylor misses having his best friend around all the time and i sure as hell will miss him as our drummer.... speaking of which we need to find a drummer if we are going to record songs.

After thinking about all this stuff, i finally reached my house, i drove into the driveway and parked my car and grabbed my things and climbed out and made my way to the front door, i unlocked it and walked in. It was nice to be home, i dont think i have ever had this much time off tour to actually enjoy my house since i brought it a few years back. I dumped my handbag on the couch as i made my way through the house to my bedroom to change into Pj's, tonight i was actually going to fall asleep in my bed and not on the couch for once, i pulled the sheets back on my bed and climbed in and sunk into my comfy matress... oh how i have missed this! i pulled the sheets over myself and snuggled into them and gently fell asleep in no time at all.

I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing on my bedside table, i opened my eyes and reached over to see who was messaging me. With blurry sleepy vision i slid my finger across my iPhone to read the message.

it read " good morning Hayley, sorry if i woke you up, i read over the lyrics of the songs you sent to me last night and i think they are great but i can tell these songs are about Josh leaving am i correct? - Adam" it said and i quickly replied back

"yes your right but i just need to get it off my chest so i can move forward, you know? but i swear this is the last 4 songs you will ever see or hear about the Farro, i just have a good feeling about them - Hayley" i typed back and soon got a reply

"that's ok i think some of these songs are great, by the way we have a plane tickets booked for you and the guys to come out to LA tonight so you can start recording ASAP please let Taylor and Jeremy know because you are leaving at 6pm tonight! - Adam" the message said

"Wow thanks, ok i will tell them and we will get packing and we will see you tomorrow - Hayley" i said.

Wow i really didn't think Adam would get all this organised so quick, but i guess i just want this done with so me and the guys can move towards the future with Paramore and make it bigger than ever with just the three of us.

I pulled the sheets off myself and climbed out of bed and grabbed some clothes and making my way to the bathroom, i took off my pjs's and stepped into the shower letting the water run down my body while i washed my bright orange hair, which reminded me i need to get dyed again which i might do when im LA if i get bored or something. 

I stepped out of the shower and grabbed my towel and started to dry myself off and then put on simple black and white 3/4 baseball shirt and a pair of leopard print skinny jeans. I put on some simple looking make up and walked back into my room and picked up a hoodie and my dark purple beanie i wore in the 'Decode' video and started to call the guys as i made my way to my red couch.

I loooked through the contacts on my phone and pressed on Taylors name and it didn't take him long to pick up.

"hello?" Taylor said

"Hey Tay" I said

"dang your up early Hayles" Taylor said with a chuckle

"shhh i know that, i would be still sleeping if Adam didn't message me" i said

"oh did he read the lyrics?" Taylor asked

"he sure did and he has organised for us to come out to LA tonight our flight is at 6pm so be ready, i will pick you and Jeremy up" i said

"wow ok, i better get packing then" Taylor said

"yeah me too but now i have to tell Jeremy so i will talk to you later" i said

"ok bye Hayles" Taylor said and hung up

I called Jeremy and told him the same information on what was happening so now i was sitting on my couch eating a bowl of ceral and watching tv when i should really start packing my things and shopping for some supplies to take with me.

Ain't It Funजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें