-- Part 7 --

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I arrive at school, wondering if life will be any different -- I mean, it's a secret society. I'm supposed to pretend as if it doesn't exist, that my life is normal. I should treat Liam the same as I did before, which includes not spending time with him -- relieving, or annoying? I'm not sure.

But I can be on the lookout for purple accessories and potential Purple Velvet representatives. At least I can do something.

I walk into the cafeteria on the way to the Humanities Wing where my locker is, still thinking about the whole secret society scheme, when, as if on cue, my eyes meet Liam's: he's chatting with his friends near the doorway. Almost immediately I feel this odd rush of adrenaline and I start sweating -- and I know why. I control my composure with an effort, and Liam looks away just as fast, although a trace of a smile seems to be hovering on his face.

I do not know how I manage to concentrate in Algebra 2, which is my first class of the day. Perhaps it's the fact that Liam is sitting to the right and and behind a couple of rows, hiding him from my sight. Although this setup does make me wonder if he's watching me as I do my worksheet. On impulse I slap myself. Physically. The sound echoes throughout the entire room and people's heads turn my way.

"Araluen, is there something wrong?" Mr. Williams asks from his desk in the corner.

"A fly." I mutter. I feel my face grow warm as people snicker and whisper about me. I can only imagine all the teasing I'm going to receive within the next couple of weeks.

"Did you get it?" Liam asks, which causes more laughs. I glare at him and he gives me a good-natured smile.

After Algebra 2 ends and I have gathered my books for English, I'm approached by a freshman named Natalie. She's pretty popular -- she's blond, tall, and always seems to look great no matter what she wears. If it weren't for the friendly smile on her face I would think that she was about to tease me about the fly incident.

"Hi." Natalie extends her hand and I shake it. "I'm Natalie, and you're Ara..?"

"Araluen." I give a slight smile. It's common for people to mess up my name.

We begin chatting about Algebra 2 and the 'math poem' that we've been assigned today as we head to our next class: for both of us, it's English.

"It makes no sense. How are we supposed to use 'quadratic' in a poem?" Natalie complains.

"I suppose we could use more every day words like 'prime' and 'factor'," I suggest, then sigh. "But I get what you mean. I'm pretty bad at the creative side of English." I consider telling her about my Analysis documents, then decide I'm going too far with that. I only just met her.

I part ways with her and head towards my usual spot in the corner. Shoot, I didn't think about looking out for the Purple Velvet representative. Natalie would be a good suspect however, being popular and everything. Perhaps I should get to know her a bit better.

Ms. Summers is out of the room, probably printing papers, so I decide to do that Emotions post about Liam real quick:

Friday, September 16th

Post 1 -- "Crush"

Diagnosis & Observations

Romantic attraction

Event(s) that caused this

Bumping into him at lunch

Being in a room alone with him

Being sworn into a secret society that he also is in

Talking to him


Sense of warmth inside when thinking about Blue Water




Is this a valid emotion?

I'm not sure. [Edit: no, it is based on idealization]


First time I've experienced this

It's supposedly natural for kids my age?

Psychologytoday.com article -- I'm experiencing the "romantic crush" which is common for adolescents

Based on idealization of attractive qualities

Is superficial and doesn't last very long


Am I going to do anything about this?

NO -- the feeling is invalid

English class begins, and I close my computer.

At lunchtime, I can't help but watch Liam as he chats with his friends as they head towards their usual spot in the cafeteria. I fiddle with my lunchbox in the corner and am about to open it when Megan, one of Natalie's friends, taps on my shoulder. "Want to sit with us?"

My eyes widen. I'm actually being invited into the popular group! "S-sure." 

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