Dark side Training

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Ezra lifted his lightsaber in ready position as Kanan did the same. Ezra had come to his Master and wanted to train. Kanan was surprised by the boys sudden desire to do some combat, but was relieved and happy that Ezra was getting over Sabine's departure.
How wrong he was.
Ezra ran at his Master and swung. Kanan blocked the attack easily and shot at his Padawan.
The two were well matched, Kanan was surprised at Ezra's power and moves, these attacks and ways of blocking weren't what he taught him.
Suddenly, Ezra kneed Kanan in the gut, thumped his elbow in his back, making his Master collapse.
Ezra used the Force to take Kanan's lightsaber, igniting it, he used both to put his Master in between them.
Power flowed through him, his mind telling for him to take the head off his opponent.
Ezra was about to obey when he saw it. Fear, so clearly written in the man's face.
Then he realised who he was about to kill.
Deactivating the blades he dropped them and backed away from Kanan.
"Ezra..." Kanan was speechless.
Ezra just stood there, frozen to the spot.
He had almost killed him!
He had almost killed Kanan!
The older Jedi stood slowly, he approached Ezra.
The boys eyes filled as he quickly stepped away from Kanan, before taking off back into the Ghost.
Kanan listened to Ezra's running footsteps, the boy had clearly been traumatized by his actions. And Kanan honestly, could not blame him.
He had almost killed him.
He had felt the Dark side rolling off Ezra in tidal waves before he almost beheaded him.
Kanan feared for the worst as he picked up the discarded lightsabers, and slowly walked into the Ghost.

Ezra raced to his room and locked the door behind him.
He sunk to the floor, tears falling free as he recollected on what he had almost done. Kill his Master.
The Holocron had come into his conscious, telling him to kill his Master.
Chest heaving, he approached his bed before pulling out the Holocron.
"What did you do?" Ezra snarled at it as it opened.
"Helping you find out who you really are" the box replied.
"Who I really am?" Ezra repeated in confusion.
"Yes Ezra Bridger, so many horrible things have happened to you. Don't you want revenge?"
Ezra considered it.
"A little. Sometimes. Okay, maybe a lot. But Kanan said don't let your feelings get in the way of your sight of things."
"Your Master is the enemy Ezra. Don't you see? You almost did something that you were born to do. Kill. Listen to me now. I can help you with all your problems. That is if you let me."
"All I want is Sabine back" Ezra whimpered.
Truthfully, the Holocron had no desire to help the boy get his family back. All it wanted, was to wipe all good memories of his crew, replace them with dark ones, and make him a Sith.
"Open yourself Bridger. Let me help you, then you will, help me" the Holocron snapped.
"If I let you help me get Sabine back, then fine. How do I do it?"
If the Holocron had a mouth, a creepy smile would be on it.

"He did what?!" Hera cried.
Kanan, Zeb, Chopper, Rex and Hera were in the meeting room. Kanan had just told them what Ezra bad almost done.
"That's it. I'm breaking all the kids bones" Zeb snarled.
"Easy Zeb. Ezra is just a kid, and he lost someone close to him. Calm down" Rex said before turning back to Kanan.
"It's best that we ignore what happened and let Kanan talk to him. We need to take this calmly and responsibly. Ezra needs us more then ever."
Kanan smiled at Rex with appreciation. He liked how good of a friend the clone was.
"I agree. I say we go on a mission. We all need to" Hera decided.
"Heh heh. And I can bust some buckets" Zeb said putting his fists together.

Ezra heard someone knock at the door. Lifting his head to the door, he used the Force to open it.
"Hey Kanan" he greeted closing his eyes and going back into meditation.
"Hey kid" Kanan replied. He closed the door behind him and couldn't help but notice the cold in the room. It was the cold of a Sith.
"Are you okay?"
"Fine. Look Kanan, I'm sorry for what happened earlier, I just lost control of my actions."
"It's alright Ezra. I had that happen to me when I was a Padawan. The droids head really did come off though."
Ezra chuckled lightly and smiled.
"Hera said we're going on a supply run, do you...?"
"Yeah, I'm coming. I'm not missing an opportunity to have some excircise" Ezra got off his bunk and put on his helmet.
"Let's go."
Kanan followed Ezra out of the cabin feeling confused.
First Ezra was a depressed wreck, now he was fine?
Something was definitely wrong with him.

New update coming soon!

~Star-Wars-Dragons out!

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