[Chapter Five]

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I wake up in the morning, surprisingly I didn't have another nightmare. I get off my bed and look out my window to see Jack hanging from my window staring at me. I, being the idiot I am unlock my window and let him in. He shoots me a confused look but doesn't object to coming in. We are now face to face, more like face to chest. He's a good couple heads taller then me.

"Why are you here?" I whisper yell, I don't want my aunt and uncle to interrupt.

"You know why I'm here" he said so blankly.

"Well I don't want you here so I'm gonna ask" I said with a attitude while holding my hips and getting on the tip of my toes.

"Don't try to get to my height, you can't" he said as he roughly pushes my head down and I fall.

"Hey!" I yell. He sighs and he starts to walk to the window. He turns around to face me.

"Prepare for the worst" he says then quickly jumps out the window. I watch his retreating figure run away.

Prepare for the worst?... What does he mean?

His words buzz through my head. I know he's going to kill me. I guess it was a warning?

I finally get out of my thinking trance and stop staring out the window and go to sit on my bed. Not even 2 minutes later my door is opened softly and I see my aunt peeking into the room.

"Good Morning sweetie!" my aunt says as she walks towards me. "Did you have good dreams?". I didn't answer her, I don't know how to. I don't think I really had a dream last night. I just stare at her, giving her the look that I really don't know. She sighs. "Want to come down stairs?" she pauses as she think on what to say, "Breakfast is almost ready" she says with a smile.

"Okay" I say groggily. I'm still extremely tired. I constantly look around anxiously making sure Jack nor Jeff are here. Even though, Jack is more of a problem than Jeff at the moment. I don't need to worry about Jeff as much.

As we walk down the stairs I smell the aroma of bacon and eggs in the frying pan, the smell instantly wakes me up. Once we get to the kitchen I eye the bacon and eggs, giving her signals that I am hungry. And of course that I love bacon. When the food is done she placed a few pieces of bacon on my plate and some eggs. I devour it the second I could, I didn't realize how hungry I was.

"When your uncle wakes up, after he eats we are going to the store" she said and with those words I froze. I feel safe were I am now and if I leave bad things might, I mean most definitely will happen.

Well eventually I will have to get brave and leave the house....

But I'm scared.... I don't want to die.

You don't have a choice

Yes I do!

Not in the world you are

I need to stop letting you into my head

You might need to, but it will never work. I will be here until your end.

Eyeless Hell {Eyeless Jack}Where stories live. Discover now