Sam winchester (smut)

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      "Run" sam shouted as he tossed the football to me i wasnt one for sports but when we werent hunting monsters it was nice to feel somewhat regular.

I dove to what we called our touchdown spot. "Touchdown" sam shouted "i don't like this game anyways" dean mumbled "don't be a sore loser dean" cas said before following dean into the bunker.

I layed in the grass because i was so tired. Sam walked up to me. He reached out for my hand and pulled me up which i stumbled a little bit because he was so strong.

"Touchdown" i giggled softly mocking sam. He looked in my eyes started to smile then kissed me softly. A wet drop fell on my face. Then another on him i looked up and it started raining a little bit harder.

We were soaked by the time we got inside. I took off my shoes and ran to me and sams room. I peeled off my wet shirt and headed to our bathroom i hung up my clothes and jumped in the shower. I loved the feeling of the warm water hitting my cool skin.

When i finished washing i grabbed a towel for my body and another for my hair. I walked into our bedroom and the cool air hit me. I walked over to our dresser and i jumped when a pair of warm hands rubbed my arms "sam you scared me" and then a pair of lips started kissing my neck i tilted my head back a little

"We cant dean and cas are here" i explained "we wont be loud then" he whispered in my ear "i want them to hear you moan my name when i fill you up with pleasure. When i let you ride me...." i cut him off and turned around and looked at him with lustful i eyes.

I attacked his lips with mine and he picked me up and sat me on the bed my hands were fast to take his pants off he took of his shirt and soon all of his clothes were on the floor.

Sam dropped to his knees and started licking and kissing my sweet spot making me arch my back and grip the sheets he climbed on top of me and started kissing me.

He grabbed a condom rolled it onto his manhood the  positioned himself at my entrance. He starred into my eyes as he thrust inside of me

"SAM" i cried out he started groaning " say my name again"

he moaned out "Oh sammy" i moaned as his pace quickened.

The bed was shaking and the room was filled with our cries of pleasure. Every thrust sent shockwave throughout my body. As we reached our high point sam started slowing down as he came.

He pulled out of me and took off the condom. Droplets of sweat fell from his forehead. He laid down next to me and wrapped me in his arms as we drifted off to sleep.

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