To The Bone

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I had a friend email me with this prompt, which as I wrote, I realized it would be long. So part 2 will be coming soon. Basically, its a short story based off of a song made by JT Music on YouTube. Seriously, if you guys like gaming, I recomend checking out thier (?) channel. They make amazing content and raps on different games. In fact, I'm actually listening to their Deltarune rap as I post this. I also recommend listening to the song before reading if you are an Undertale fan, because I use most of the lyrics in this story.

Suitable for children

"Sans? Sans, wake up!" The younger skeleton brother stands above the older, who was comfortably sleeping before the outburst. Sans snores lightly, his eye sockets opening up to see Papyrus' look of disappointment.  

"What is it, dude?" He asks, stretching out his stiff bones. Papyrus picks up Sans enthusiastically, a large smile on his face like always.

"Another human has fallen from the surface world! I just heard sentries talking about it!" If possible, his smile widens ever so slightly, Sans giving a soft chuckle.

"Really? And you got a bone to pick with 'em?" He jokes, making his brother's expression turn back to disappointment.

"This is no time for puns! They are almost to Snowdin!" Papyrus says angrily, setting his brother down on the floor. Sans shoves his hands into his jacket pocket, giving a shrug and a wink of an eye socket.

"Aw, I thought it was a real rib tickler." Sans shoots a finger gun at Papyrus, making his brother glare at him. Sans sighs, putting his hand back in his pocket. "Alright, here we go again..."


Cold. It's so cold out here, my fingers are starting to go numb. I need to find someplace to take shelter, and eat. All those...guard dogs, I guess you would call them, had to come from somewhere. There must be buildings around here, nice and warm.

Another wind blows through my clothes, fresh snow crunching under my shoes. "How is there even snow underground anyway?" I groan angrily, rubbing my arms for warmth. Green trees above me move ever so softly in the wind, swaying beautifully. In between the tree lines, a path leads down with both large and small paw prints in the snow. Smiling hopefully, I look into the distance, seeing Christmas-colored lights. That has to be it!

I quicken my pace to a light jog, trying a best I can to shield my face from the harsh winds stinging my face. If only I had a scarf instead of some thin, flimsy shirt. As I approach what seems to be a small town, a sign comes into view, the lights I saw earlier decorating the top of the white wood. "Snowdin...?" Whoever came up with the name must have loved puns.

My attention is diverted, two figures walking towards me. They seem to be talking with one another. Though, I can't make out what they are saying. The taller figure is loud, and extremely enthusiastic. The smaller figure beside it doesn't seem to talk as much. They continue walking, as I finally manage to see them through the light snow and fog. Skeletons...

If I hadn't encountered the monsters I did earlier, I would be completely freaking out right now. "Papyrus, we'll find 'em. They aren't going to just disappear," The shorter one says to the taller, making him groan.

"Sans, I-" he stops mid sentence, spotting me, "Sans, look! The human." Now, they are both looking at me, not taking anymore steps further. "Welcome to the underground, human!" Papyrus exclaims, throwing his gloved hands up. They aren't attacking. The first thing the other monsters did, besides Toriel, was attack. A small smile comes to my face. Maybe they are like her, maybe they are nice, too.

Slowly, I walk towards them, Sans, the shorter of the two, sticking his hand out. "Hey, kid, name's Sans. And this is my brother Papyrus." I take his hand in my cold one, shaking it.

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