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Snow crunches under my boots, my focus on trying to adjust my gloves. I like them, they make me look bad ass and tough, but they can slip around sometimes. The velcro on my one glove is ripped apart, that distinctive sound echoing around the empty forest, before I strap it back tighter. Moving my fingers around, the glove stays where it is supposed to. Finally.

I look back up to the environment around me, trees lining the path that I am travelling down. These stupid monsters keeping attacking me, by this rate it will take me forever to get out of here. A brown piece of hair stretches down from over my bandanna, hanging in front of my eyes. I grumble, moving the bandanna back up on my forehead as it slips down. That, too, is too loose but I spent too long trying to tie it the first time, I don't feel like trying to do that again. So, it will have to do for now.

It's so quiet out here, the only thing I can hear is the wind blowing through the snow-covered pine trees. Kinda creepy, but that doesn't matter. I'm not scared! I'm too tough and too brave to be scared. I smile a toothy, chipped grin to myself, looking around for anyone else that may be on the beaten path.

Up ahead of me I can see some sort of building. There was one before, though a lot earlier. What was it called? A sentry station? As I approach I can see no one inside of it, though a soft smell of smoke tells me someone is around. Or was.

I shrug off the feeling, beginning to pass the structure as a dog pops his head out. He looks around for a moment, both confused and frenzied. "Huh? Who was that?" I jump back in surprise, huffing as I see the monster. "I knew someone was there!" The dog yells, before hopping out of his station. He holds two daggers in his hands, pink muscle shirt and leopard print pants clashing one another. One of his daggers begins to glow blue, swiping at me. I move away, missing it. It still does damage to me, knocking me back a few inches.

"What? But I dodged it!" I yell, before sending an attack of my own. A simple punch, not too much damage. The dog yelps, before growling and looking around again. His eyes are a foggy white, the pupils still barely visible behind the haze. His paw clutches the dagger, jabbing at me. Side stepping, the dagger goes right past me but once again, still inflicts damage. "Why am I still taking damage? Stupid monster magic," I let out an angered huff, throwing a punch but out of rage, miss him. As I stumble forward, the dog's dagger cuts my stomach, my eyes going wide. My feet plant in the ground, pain pulsing from the cut. I cough, a copper taste on my tongue. I don't understand. My body rocks slightly, before falling over into the snow.

I don't understand.

His downfall: recklessness. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2021 ⏰

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