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The soft fur of the monster's paw tickles my hand as she leads me through a tricky puzzle, spikes covering the floor. I'm glad she found me, I would have gotten lost down here. Plus, without the knowledge of these being puzzles, I would have been stuck waiting here forever. 

My light blue bow holding up my hair, tied from a ribbon, stops bouncing as we come to a halt. She lets go of my hand, turning to face me. "Child, I have a request of you. Can you please walk down to the end of the hallway for me?" She asks. I nod, before she turns heel and speed walks off. Shrugging, I begin to walk again. A light purple path covers the floor, changing sides every so often. Never in the center though. 

This is one long hallway. Why would anyone ever need a hallway this long? Just at the end, I can see a white pillar, and another doorway. The lavender path on the floor comes to a halt just past the pillar. I stop as well, looking around for Toriel, the woman who was helping me get around. A few green plants surround the pillar, Toriel emerging from behind it. How did I not notice her walking up the hallway? 

"I am sorry, my child, but I had to test your independence. I must go, but please be patient and stay here. It is too dangerous for you to be wandering the ruins by yourself," she gives me a sweet smile, before walking through the doorway in front of me. Patience? My speciality! 

I walk over to the pillar, sitting down and leaning back against it. To entertain myself, I mess with a plastic knife in my hand. Spinning and twirling it around. I was never allowed to mess with real knives, but I could always play pretend with this one. My parents were always worried I would end up cutting myself, I don't blame them. 

The sound of hopping makes me look up, a few ribbits running through the otherwise empty air. Two white frog-like creatures hop near me, one cocking its head as it spots me. I stay still, hoping it will continue on with their previous adventure. We stare at each other for a moment, before it takes one hop towards me, gaining the other attention. He joins in in approaching me, hopping closer. One hop. Then another. And another until we engage in battle. 

Toriel should be back soon, I shouldn't have to do anything. I give the frogs a smile, as they both launch attacks. I don't move, staying still and hoping the attacks miss me. They hit me directly, making me stumble back and wince. Tears raise in my eyes from the attacks, my only response to be looking up at the two monsters in front of me. They ribbit once or twice before launching attacks again. Once again, I dont move, closing my eyes tightly and making the tears fall. She said she would be back soon. She told me to wait for her. To be patient. Why hasn't she come back yet? I was patient, waited for her to come and get me. I did exactly as she told me to. 

So why hasn't she saved me?

Her downfall: Inaction.

Undertale: Short Stories to Pass the TimeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora