Cody-The Werewolf

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       Dedicated to Juliaoates
Julia POV
It was midnight and I decides to go for a walk because me and my mom were arguing like always. I decided to go through the woods because it is more peaceful. I heard this growling type of sound but I shrugged it off because I thought I was hearing things. I decided to sit on front of a tree and draw in my notebook.
Cody POV
I was prowling looking for a meal when I saw the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in front of a tree drawing. Why is she out here at midnight?? I questioned myself. I'm in my werewolf form, I can't let her see me. I then got out of my werewolf form and decided to watch her from behind the tree. She was standing up walking towards the tree I was at. I decided I would say hi.
Julia POV
I felt like someone or something was watching me so I decided to get up and explore. Then out of nowhere, a very cute boy popped out from behind a tree. "Who are you and why are you watching me?" I asked the boy. "My name is Cody and I was out here and I saw you at a tree." He said in a kind of deep husky voice. His jet black hair was shining from the moon light. He had piercing blue eyes and snake bites on his bottom lip. He was so beautiful. Wait I just met him and I am already calling him beautiful.
Cody POV
Her dirty blonde hair with blue and black highlights and blueish green eyes, she looked like an angel. She is so beautiful. "Hey do you want me to walk you home?" I asked before I could stop it. "Sure" she said and started walking. We were walking for about 30 minutes or so talking and getting to know each other. When we got to her house some boy was at her door, wait that is not just any guy but the guy I have always hated. "Julia what were you doing out at midnight and why are you with him?" He asked her. "I was tired of mom yelling at me for no reason so I went out for a walk to the woods when I met him and he offered to walk me home."She told him. "Well get in this house and go to your room and get some sleep." Her brother told her. She turned to me and said bye and ran up the stairs into the house and her brother just glared at me. "Leave her alone, you are not going to use my sister like you use girls all of the time. You will not look or talk to her again okay Cody." He yelled at me. "Okay you have my word, I'll leave her alone." And with that I walked back to the forest. I can't leave her alone. When I was talking to her it was like this weird feeling went through my body. Wait I think I, no I couldn't of have or did I? I think I imprinted on her.
The next day.
Julia POV
I have this weird feeling today. Yesterday when I was talking to Cody, I felt like we connected in some way. Did we imprint? But we couldn't have. I want to see him again. I got dressed in a pair a grey skinnys and a black shirt with my jacket and I fixed my hair so it doesn't look like a tornado happened in my hair. Then I left the house I made my way to the woods. I was walking when I felt like someone was watching me so I turned around and saw Cody right behind me. "Hi Cody" I said a little scared still. "Hey Julia, you okay?" He asked sounding worried. "Yeah I'm fine I just wanted to see you and talk to you about somethings." I said as I started walking again and he followed me. "I had this weird feeling when we first met yesterday." I said nervous. "I had the feeling too." He said and I looked up shocked. For an hour we talked about it and figured out that we imprinted. "Hey Julia, do you wanna be my girlfriend?" He asked and I could not refuse because he was just so cute. "Yes I will" I said and I kissed him. It took him a few minutes to process what just happened then he kissed back. It was not a hard or gross kiss, it was a soft, passionate, and loving kiss. Then we pulled away. "Hey Cody, walk me home?" I questioned. "Yeah." He said then got up and clasped our fingers together and walked to my house. I never wanted to leave his side I just wanted to be in his grasp forever. I love him so much. I know we just met yesterday but he is my everything and I don't ever want to lose him. "Cody what did I say about leaving my sister alone." My older overprotective brother yelled and started walking towards Cody and me. "Dude I love her and I will be with her. You will have to deal with it." Cody yelled back at him. Then my brother was about to punch him when I stopped him. "Brother it is fine, he won't hurt me. I love him and want to be with him. If you don't except that then I'm sorry but I'm not leaving him." I said to my brother trying to make him not start a fight, again. "Fine Julia but when he hurts you, don't come to me for help. I won't help you because I warned you." And with that he went back into the house. "Bye Cody. I'll talk to you tomorrow. I love you." I said and then he kissed me. "Bye I love you Julia." He said and he left. I have never been happier in my entire life.
I made another one. I'm sorry Juliaoates if this is not good, I tried. I hope you all like it and enjoy. I love you all. Bye my lovelies. ❤❤❤❤❤

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