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Martin and I entered the house and walked straight to the garden. I heard talking so i frowned. 

''Suprise'' i heard Martin say before i saw al my friends around a table in the garden. 

I smiled widely before I gave them all a hug. ''Thanks man'' i said before giving Martin a hug. 

''Its almost your 23rd birthday, you should celebrate it with all your friends'' he said while hugging me back. 

I pulled my tanktop over my head and jumped into the pool while screaming loudly. My friends laughed at me and followed me. 

''Im gonna get beer'' i said while getting out of the pool and walking back inside. 

I walked to the fridge and got a couple of beers. I grabbed my iPhone and went to Abigail's Instagram. I frowned. Well thats weird, i can't see her posts anymore. 

I swallowed. Did she really block me? I sighed and put my iPhone away. I guess she really hates me. 

I took a seat at the edge of the pool and gave some beers to my friends while drinking mine. 

Someones phone went off and everyone got out of the pool to look who got called. It was Martin's phone. I shrugged and kept drinking my beer. 

''Hey Abigail'' i heard Martin say before I got out of the pool with lighting speed and stood beside Martin. 

''Is that Abi?'' i mouthed to him and Martin made a duh face before walking inside. 

My friends smirked at me. ''Its your girl, Bieber'' Johnny said and laughed. 

''Shut up she isn't my girl. It was 4 years ago John'' i said before giving him a little push. 

''Yeah thats why you still talk everyday about her and care so much'' he said and patted me on the back while laughing. 

I rolled with my eyes and got back inside and walked to Martin who was talking to Abigail. 

''But whats up? I can hear in your voice that something is up'' i heard Martin say before walking to him and standing infront of him. 

''Invite her here'' i mouthed to Martin and he instandly nodded his head no. ''Please'' i said while hugging him like a child which earned me a push from Martin. 

Martin coughed. ''You can come to Australia? I will make sure my plane is at the airport in New York tomorrow morning. I missed you Abi and if you need a break, you're always welcome''

I jumped on the couch before running outside. ''Guys, Abi is coming to Australia'' i said before smiling so widely. 

John laughed. ''Is she coming for you?'' 

My smile faded. ''Well no, for Martin. She doesn't know im here. But that doesn't matter she is coming'' i said and hugged Martin who came walking back into the garden. 

''And? Is she coming?'' i asked him hopefully. 

''Yeah she is'' Martin smiled. 

I smiled widely. After 4 years she is finally coming. I will finally see her again. Maybe i can make everything right. I mean Im so much hotter now she can't resist me, I thought confident. 

''She will be here this evening because of the time difference'' Martin said which caused me to smile. 


Together with Ashley I got out of the plane and instandly the hot air hit us in the face. I was glad that i had choosen such a light outfit. 

''Hello Australia!'' i screamed and hugged Ashley

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''Hello Australia!'' i screamed and hugged Ashley. 

''I can't believe we are in Australia, this is gonna be so cool'' Ashley said while we got our bags and walked to the car that Martin had send. 

Ashley nodded while we got into the car. 

''Hello im Abigail and this is my friend Ashley'' i said to the driver while smiling. 

He smiled back. ''Nice to meet you miss Lewis, Im Ed'' 

I nodded and Ed started driving. 

After a few minutes we arrived at a huge beach house. ''This is amazing'' i said almost in a whisper and got out of the car. 

Ed gave us our bags and wished us a nice stay. 

''Lets  go'' i said and walked to the frontdoor with Ashley and ringed the doorbell. 

After a few seconds Martin opened the door. ''Hey babe!'' i said excited before I jumped into his arms hugging him tight. 

''Hey Abi, missed you'' Martin said while hugging me back. 

''I missed you too Martin'' i said while I gave him a kiss on his cheek. 

After I said my hello to Martin, Ashley greeted him and we got our bags and started walking into the living room. I heard faint voices and saw people in the garden. 

''Oh I didn't know you had so much company'' i said laughing and began walking to the doors of the garden. 

I stopped dead in my tracks when i saw a familiar boy with tattoo's all over his arms, back and legs, since he was in just his swimming wear. His hair was very short and very blonde. 

I turned to Martin. ''Is that Justin?'' i said while walking to Martin. 

Martin scratched his head. ''Yeah it is, but i can explain!'' he said when i grabbed my bags and started walking away. 

''No you can't Martin, i can't believe you did this'' i said and starting walking to the front door. 

''Abi, maybe you should hear him out. Maybe he has a reason'' i hear Ashley say. ''He is your best friend Abi, don't do this'' 

I turned around. ''5 minutes Garrix, after that Im leaving'' 

He nodded and started talking. ''Im in Australia for Justin's Purpose stadium tour. He asked me to perform for the Australian leg. When you called this morning, Justin heard your name and he just begged me to ask you to come here. He doesn't admit it, but he hates himself for what he did to you 4 years ago. You're the love of his life Abigail. He talks about you every damn day, but he doesn't have the balls to call you or come and visit you because he thinks you hate him. But he loves you Abi, with every fiber of his being. He always have and he always will'' 

I swallowed and tears started to well up in my eyes. ''Well he should of thought about that 4 years ago, now it is to late'' 

''What should I have thought of?'' i heard an all to familiar voice say. I looked up and locked my eyes with the most beautiful brown eyes I had ever seen in my whole life. 



Im sorry but I just had to. What will happen next chapter? What will Abigail do? And what will Justin do to make it right?

Keep reading. Comment, add it to your library and follow me for updates! 

Love Nienke

It Ain't Me - Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now