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''Please don't cry mommy'' Our  son said.

I quickly wiped away my tears. ''They're not sad tears Jay. That are happy tears, because mommy is with daddy right now. Its his birthday'' I said making up a story so he would get it and smiled at him.

''When can I see my daddy'' Jay pouted.

When Justin and I broke up I didn't know that I was pregnant. I found out when I came home. I didn't want to tell Justin because I wanted my kid to go to a normal school, without paparazzi bothering him all the time. Just his 2 best friends on school knew who his daddy was but they didn't make a fuss about it. And of course I wanted Justin to live his famous life, because that's what he wanted without me in it. And when I went away I took Jay with me too.

''You see him all the time on tv and on youtube. Don't pout little man''

He began screaming. He is 3 years old, almost 4, and he is testing me out and crying and making everything a huge deal. ''Jay David Bieber, stop it'' I said while I waved my finger sternly at him.

''Mommy isn't going to talk to you if you keep screaming like this''

He stopped screaming but his little cries where still heard. ''I just wanna meet my daddy. My friends on my school say that he is cool and handsome just like me'' he said sounding like his dad. Arrogant.

I didn't react to the fact that his dad is indeed handsome. ''Well maybe  you can come to Australia'' I said ''But I will speak to daddy about it'' I said trying to stop him from crying. Jay doesn't know that Justin doesn't know about him. And I don't plan on telling him either. I will just make up some story.

My mom took the phone from Jay and walked away. ''Abigail, are you telling Justin?''

''Are you crazy? He will go mad, saying that he lost three years with his son and he will blame me for it. I will just make up some story''

After I said my goodbyes to Jay and my mom, I went to bed. And in a few minutes I was fast asleep.


The next morning I was woken up by Martin. He made us breakfast and after that we where going to ride with a quads through the mud.

''How are you feeling, birthday boy?'' Martin asked me while taking a bite of his croissant.

I shrugged with my shoulders. "I don't feel like its my birthday"

"Well maybe you will after today" Martin said while he patted my shoulder.

I nodded before thanking him for breakfast and leaving to take a shower.

When I walked to the bathroom I heard humming coming from inside Ashley's and Abigail's room. I peeked inside and saw Abigail doing her make-up.

I smiled. She always loved to do that. "Are you joining us today?" I said before stepping into her room.

She turned around with her hand on her chest. "You scared me" She said before turning around to the mirror again. "And joining you with what?"

"We are going to drive with a quad through the mud today for my birthday. You and Ashley should totally join" I suggested hoping she would say yes.

She starts shaking her head. "No Justin. I won't come with you. I would love to go but its your birthday"

"Please Abigail, come with me. It would be the best birthday present ever if you came with" I begged before walking to her and hugging her from behind.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2017 ⏰

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