The Daughter I Never Had

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How could this happen? I had planned everything accordingly, I never thought in a million years that this would happen. Everything was supposed to run smoothly but instead, I had this one flaw and it wasn't a small flaw. She was supposed to be sent off somewhere else but instead she was here in Storybrooke with the rest of us. Out of all places, why did she end up in my room, in a baby crib? That damn portal her idiot parents thought would work must not have and my guards were just too stupid to see that. I frowned as I walked over to the crib and leaned over it, looking at this baby who stared up at me smiling. "Emma, that must be your name. It's on your baby blanket." I picked up the blanket, studying it as I ran my fingers across the stitched letters. I remember having a blanket similar to this when I was younger, long ago. Emma's crying snapped me out of my daze, causing my eyes to quickly look down at the fussy baby. "What's the matter dear?" I cautiously picked her up, I hadn't held a baby before so this was all very new to me. I placed her on my shoulder, I had seen my mother do this, and lightly patted her back. When I heard a burp, she settled down so I put her back in her crib, only to turn my head and see spit-up on my shirt. "Oh no! Emma!" I growled, heading to my closet to change shirts. After putting on a new shirt, I sighed as I tried to figure out what to do next. "I think we'll get you to a nice family and they'll take good care of you." I smirked and noticed she was asleep so I went downstairs to fix myself something to eat and call Gold, he knew how to handle problems like these.

After grabbing a cup of yogurt I called Gold on the phone and had him come over. "So what's her name?" He asked as we stood a few feet from the crib. "Emma. She doesn't have a last name yet. At least not to my knowledge she does." He had this devilish smirk on his face after I said her name, "Emma...Interesting. I'll see what I can do about finding her a home but until then, she's going to have to stay with you. So I suggest you go buy some milk dearie." I folded my arms, "You mean to tell me no one else can take care of her until the adoption agency finds her a home?" He shifted his weight on his cane, "Unless you want her to go to Miss Blanchard." I rolled my eyes and huffed, "No, she can stay here. Just make this happen as fast as possible, please." Asking him for help was like watching the Charmings kiss, sickening. But I knew he knew exactly how to handle this. "Will do Madame Mayor. Have a good day." He walked out the front door, still smiling. Something was up but I was broken out of thought by Emma's crying once again. As I jogged upstairs, I realized I should probably go stock up on milk like Gold said and buy clothes and other things she might need. Once I reached her and picked her up, she almost immediately stopped crying, "You just wanted some company, didn't you? Well we're going to go to the store. How does that sound?" I held her up in front of me and I smiled. She gurgled and giggled, something about her smile made me happy in a way. Maybe it was the innocence, she was stuck in the middle of a fight between her parents and I, she didn't ask for any of this nor does she deserve it. But she couldn't stay here, she had to leave so she wouldn't break my curse, and I knew nothing about raising a baby. Absolutely nothing and wasn't truly interested in finding out, I can admit I have no patience whatsoever. I put some booties on Emma's feet and wrapped her in her blanket, grabbed my purse and we made our way to the store, I do enjoy shopping, it's so calming. First stop was the clothes store, she needed a nice little wardrobe, and after about 15 minutes of shopping she had enough clothes to wear 3 different outfits a day for 2 months. It was fun picking clothes for her and she was a quiet baby, she didn't cry the whole time, giggling every time I showed her an outfit. "Next stop is the grocery store then we can get back home dear." I figured by now she would be fussy or antsy but she was yawning, even better. I could shop without having to stay in her eyesight, she liked to see my face for some reason, I guess it was reassuring to her.

I wanted to be sure I had enough milk to last her at least a week, maybe two, depending on how long it would take Gold to find her a foster home. After strapping her in the carseat Gold was kind enough to leave me before he left my house, I put the groceries and clothes in the front seat and drove back home. I sat Emma in the living room on the couch, still in the carseat, as I brought everything in and put them up. I knew that I would have to get some work done but I also knew she wouldn't let me out of her sight, so I picked her up, holding her ever so softly in my arms, and took her with me to my office. Luckily the only thing I had to do today was sign papers, but when I walked into my office there was a bassinet and stroller in the middle of the floor. "Who the hell was in my house?!" I growled but was sure not to upset Emma. The only person that knew a baby was in my house, in my care, was that imp. I took a deep breath, I'll handle him later, now I needed to handle more important business. I sat the curly, blonde haired baby in the bassinet and pulled it up right next to me so I would be in her eyesight. She gave me a small smile and gurgle before letting me work. About 30 minutes later she started to get fussy, "Oh Emma please, I'm almost done dear. Just a few more papers and then I'm all yours." But she wasn't content with that answer, I glanced down to see her bottom lip trembling, signaling that she was about to let out a loud cry. I placed my hand on her stomach and rubbed it, tracing circles and amazingly she stopped. She calmed down and her cheeks went back to their normal color, her frown faded and she giggled. I smirked, "You really know how to get what you want from me, don't you?" She had to have understood me because she laughed and had such a bright smile across her lips. I left my hand on her stomach as I finished up my paperwork and took my glasses off, sighing of relief. My phone started ringing, "Hello?" I furrowed my brow, waiting for a response, trying to figure out who it was. "Madame Mayor? Good you're home. We'll be there shortly." I recognized the voice, the imp. But who the hell was "we"? He hung up before I could say anything else. Emma tilted her head, staring up at me, "Come on Emma. Apparently we're going to have company." We went to the kitchen, I figured she was hungry by now so I poured some milk in a bottle and began to heat it in a pot on the stove. While waiting, I started to think about whether I should keep her or not. She had really taken a liking to me and it would break my heart to hear her screaming as they took her away but she wasn't my daughter. She belonged to my sworn enemies but this would be the perfect revenge, raise their daughter and use her against them. No, that's not fair, I wouldn't want them to use my child against me, it would be wrong. I needed help to make this decision, a knock at the door interrupted my train of thought. As I opened the door, Gold and two other people were on my doorstep, "How may I help you?" I asked with a slight frown. Why were these strangers on my doorstep? "We're here for the child, Madame Mayor."

I stepped aside, allowing them to enter, exhaling deeply as I closed the door. I knew this wasn't going to be easy but it was the right thing to do. "Where is she?" Gold asked, his two friends, a lady and man, scanned the room and saw the baby clothes I bought, along with a few toys. "She's asleep." I tried my best not to frown, this unannounced visit didn't sit well with me. "I see you purchased things for her. I'm sure her foster home will appreciate it." The lady said as she began packing some of the stuff. I just gave a faint smile and nodded, "And who will be her foster parents?" I placed my hands on my hips and the man looked down at his paper, "A nice couple in Boston. They have 8 kids already but they are willing to take in one more." I furrowed my brow, "Eight kids?! And how is she supposed to get the care she needs with eight other kids fighting for attention?" Gold pulled me to the side, "If I didn't know any better Madame Mayor, I'd say you were trying to find an excuse to keep the child." I huffed, "Don't be ignorant. I'm just merely suggesting that they find a foster home where she can get all the attention she deserves. I'm willing to care for her a little while longer." He looked at me and smirked, "You want to keep her don't you? Admit it and we can sign the adoption papers now. She'll be yours to keep." I frowned, "That's a pretty bold statement you're making. You just want to pawn her off on me. Fine. Give me the papers." The man walked over and handed me a pen, "Sign here and date, and Emma will now be Emma Mills." I took the pen and signed the paper without a second thought. "Emma Mills." I said to myself with a smile, I liked the sound of that. "Congratulations, you are now the mother of a baby girl." The man and woman said as they left. Gold was still smirking, "Yes congratulations your majesty." My eyes widened, "What did you just call me?" He bowed, "Why, your name of course. It is your majesty isn't it?" I narrowed my eyes, "How is it that you remember?!" He straightened his posture, "I made it so that once I heard the child's name, I would instantly remember. Fail safety. Now, won't you excuse me. I have some work to tend to in my shop." He began walking toward the door and I grabbed his arm, "No! You don't get to walk away!" He yanked his arm from my grip, "Please." He said through gritted teeth and I had to obey, he opened the door, "Have a nice day Madame Mayor." And he closed the door behind him. As mad as I wanted to be, I couldn't help but smile because I was now the mother of a little girl. I couldn't believe it, never in a million years did I think I would have a child, let alone raise the child of my sworn enemies. It seems I just might get my happy ending after all.

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