Chapter Six

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I hiss under my breath, looking down to see where my now bare feet landed and what is now embedded in my skin.

The glass... I groan to myself, slowly lifting my now throbbing and bleeding foot.

After my encounter with Jacob, I completely forgot about the mess I needed to clean and climbed straight into bed. It didn't take me long for me to fall back asleep. But now I have to take care of the consequences due to my lack of remembering to clean.

"We're having some bacon and-" Emily slowly starts, entering the room when her eyes land on me. Slowly, her brown orbs travel down my body and land on my feet - no doubt the blood dripping from my left foot and onto the floor.

"Oh my goodness! What happened?!" She exclaims, rushing towards me in her shoe covered feet.

"I'm fi-" I start but stop when my eyes meet Sam's.

Sam's eyes widen, quickly rushing to my side before lifting me up and exiting us out of the room. Immediately, he starts shooting instructions to Emily as she follows us down the stairs.

"Sam, I'm fine." I groan, rubbing my tiresome face as I'm placed on a hard surface.

I look around the room as Jacob comes up to me, a worry look on his face as he examines my body.

"Wh-" He starts but I place my hand in his face.

"I'm fine." I firmly state, hopping off the counter but quickly regret it. I wince from pain, picking up my glass covered foot.

Jacob scoops me up, a sigh escaping his lips and my heart leaps at the feeling of his arms wrapping around me.

"Shoot, Chloee.. What did you do?" He worriedly asks, his brown orbs looking into mine as he places me back on the counter.

Jacob kneels down, picking up my foot to examine it. "How did you get glass in your foot?" He asks, his thumb rubbing my ankle as he looks at me.

"I dropped a frame last night and the glass broke..." I shrug, tearing my eyes from his as I look around the room. I notice that everyone else is in the kitchen but I don't remember hearing them come in. What's happening to me?!

"That's why you were down here for a broom..." Jacob slowly says, putting the pieces together.

"And I never left with one so I forgot about the mess..." I finish, leaning my head against the cabinet behind me.

He nods, a small frown on his lips as he watches Emily walk in with a first-aide kit and a pair of tweezers in hand.

Emily kneels down next to Jacob, grabbing my foot and bringing the metal object close to my foot. Quickly, Jacob stands and grabs my hand; somehow sensing that I needed comfort.

I hiss, feeling the pull against my skin as she pulls out a big shard. My small hand squeezes Jacobs large hand with all the strength I have. Once the piece of glass was out, I released a breath I didn't know I was holding.

Ten agonizingly painful minutes later, every piece of glass that was embedded into my foot were removed - leaving a bloody foot behind.

"I don't think you'll need any stitches..." Emily starts, cleaning my foot with rubbing alcohol - causing me to wince. "But you definitely shouldn't walk and put weight on your foot for a day or two.." she finishes, wrapping my foot in gauze before setting it in place and patting my knee.

I smile softly at her, quietly thanking her as I watch her put everything away before placing the first-aide kit back where it belongs.

I look down, noticing that my hand is still placed in Jacobs, making me smile. "Thanks for letting me brutally squeeze your hand." I giggle, letting go of his hand as I look up at him.

"It was my pleasure." He responds, bowing which causes me to laugh. Jacob looks up at me, a smile on his face.

I clear my throat and look up as Sam walks into the kitchen, a small smile plastered in his face. "How are you doing?" He asks, giving Jacob a look.

"I'm okay..." I trail off, confusedly looking between Sam and Jacob. Jacobs eyes are on me while Sam's are on him.

"Can you actually bring me back up to my room? I need to shower..." I ask, my eyes on my step-brother.

"Sure." Both boys say in unison, both of them snapping their eyes onto one another before looking at me.

"I was talking to my brother...." I slowly say, only able to hold eye contact with Jacob for a few seconds before I look down at my lap.

"That's fine, see you later." Jacob says as Sam picks me up, carrying me out of the room - past everyone - and up the stairs.

"What's up with you two?" I ask Sam, making him look down at me as he goes around the railing and down the hall.

"Nothing, why?" He asks, entering my room before placing me down on my bed.

"Uh, no reason.." I eye him closely, watching as he grabs my towel and exiting my room to place it in the bathroom.

"Do you need anything else?" He asks, walking back into my room.

"Emily can help me from here.." I trail off, giggling as his face reddens.

"Right, sorry." He chuckles picking me up and carrying me to the bathroom, gently placing me on the toilet.

"I'll go grab her." Sam says before exiting the bathroom.


After my shower - that took over an hour due to my injury, which rocked (please note the sarcasm) - I got ready for the day and have been spending my time on the couch, watching tv.

"Hey, how's your show?" Emily asks, taking a seat next to me with a bowl of popcorn in her lap.

I take a piece from the bowl, popping it in my mouth before I respond. "Good. It's about two girls who were switched at birth and later found out about it. Now they're living together." I say, lacking information in my sentences.

What can I say? I'm terrible at describing things.

I see Emily nod out of the corner of my eye - probably trying to get a better understanding about the show, since I didn't give her much information - as I hear the front door slam, several feet pounding against the hardwood flooring.

"I told you no!" I hear Sam shout, causing me to turn around and see his back towards me. Who is he talking to?

"You can't do this to me! It will hurt both of us!" Jacob shouts back, making me look around to see his muscular frame standing at the doorway.

"Get out!" Sam demands, pointing at the door.

I hear a huff before the door slamming, Jacob leaving the cabin angrily.

What was all that about?
A/N: Hey guys, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! I wanted to add some drama for the early chapters (I have something bigger planned for later!)

Don't be a stranger! Please leave your thoughts in the comment section below and don't forget to vote!!!! Love you guys (:

Until next chapter,

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