72. Mr. Nuknukan Trilogy (d' 2nd) - Troy by LoveLornMe

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WARNING! This story has a mature content. Very young readers or ages 18 below, dont read this. OR if you really are hard headed or somewhat curious of the story, just skip to that part. LOL. JUST BE OPEN MINDED. 

This time, it is the story of Troy and Sands. Read first 'Mr. Nuknukan Trilogy (d' 1st) - Alexis'  before reading this. Link of the story is on the previous page of this. 


Sex Partners? Check. No strings attached?  Check. No feelings involved? Mmmm...... Check on Troy's side but for Sandra, does she feel the same?  Especially if he is the father of her kid?

Click the EXTERNAL LINK to READ the STORY. Enjoy Reading! ->


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