Group Rehersal (3)

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"How come I don't have any screen time?" ~Bastion Misawa


Syrus and Jaden sprinted into the dressing room. "WE'RE HERE!!!!!!"

Aly face palmed as Dorothy adjusted her dress. "And not a moment earlier than you were last time."

Chazz snickered. "No kidding, slackers."

Even Bastion (sorry for not giving him screentime earlier) was cracking a smile. "You two are twenty-three minutes late!"

Jaden blushed, laughing. "Sorry! We lost track of time."

Syrus panted heavily as Zane dumped the peasant clothes in his arms. "Hurry up and change. We're on in ten."

JJ, at the moment, was running frantically throughout the stage area. "I can't stand it!" she shouted, trying to find where Blair had hid her guitar.

Zane held up the guitar and stuck it on stage where it belonged. "Found it."

The brunette took her place and started up.

Everyone clapped when she was done, then the North Academy students walked onstage with Dorothy.

That was it for the day, except for one thing.

"Ah, Chazz, I would like to run your scene with Lisel in Act II really quick?" Banner said, catching Chazz's arm.

Aly sighed. "All right, let's go."

The two took their places.

"Lisel," Chazz said, walking up to Aly.

"Yes, Rolf?" Aly said, accent flawless as usual.

"Would you please deliver this note to your father?" He held out the paper.

"But he's on his honeymoon," the young actress said smoothly.

"Yes, I know." Chazz nodded.

"But how?" Aly interjected.

"We make it our business to know everything about everybody," the former Obelisk said with a sweep of his arm.

"We?" 'Lisel' wondered.

"Good day to you, Lisel," Chazz said, walking off.


He whipped around, looking confused.

"Please promise me you'll be safe," Aly said, catching Chazz's hand.

"Rolf" gulped, nodded, freed his hand from "Lisel's" grasp, and walked offstage, leaving the younger girl seemingly dumbstruck.


"Good job!" Banner called as Chazz ran down the steps to go change.

Aly flopped next to her sister, laughing. "Did I look desperate?"

"A little too desperate, if you ask me," Jaden muttered.

The brunette Obelisk giggled. "Don't worry, Jay, you'll be fine. It's just acting!"

Jaden nodded, still unconvinced.

Zane rolled his eyes. "Come on, Jaden. Just because two people kiss in a play doesn't mean they're automatically dating."

"Listen to yourself, Zane!" Aly exclaimed.

Zane and JJ blushed and looked away from each other.

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