6. Skates

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Zach looked pleasantly surprised when he arrived home to see me unchained from the bed and not running away. I was sitting in the living room on the couch with Dominic playing cards with the TV on in the background.

"Hi!" he stated, excited.

I smiled and waved to him. The look on his face broke my heart a bit. His eyes lit up and he looked so happy just at the fact that I smiled and waved. I wanted to make him happy like that every day. Damn mate bond!


I sat at the dinner table for the first time since I got here. On one side of me was Zach and the other side was Dominic. Preston, Eddie, and two other boys that I had seen around a lot also sat with us. One was named Braydon, who I guessed to be Zach's third in command and the other was Dylan, who I guessed to be beta. Like most werewolves, Braydon and Dylan were tall, fit, and good looking. Braydon had strawberry blonde hair styled in a quiff and hazel eyes while Dylan had black wavy hair and blue eyes.

I played around with my food while all the boys talked. I was spacing out until I heard Dominic speak up. "So, I heard the sound of babydoll's voice today." He stated proudly, eyeing me and placing his arm around my shoulder. I heard Zach growl and Dominic rolled his eyes and retreated his arm.

I shot Dominic a glare.

"Really? I haven't heard it since the first day she got here when she was yelling at me to let her go." Preston joked. "I'd like to hear it again."

"Me too". Zach muttered and I instantly felt bad.

The boys continued their conversation and I took a deep breath.

"Skates." I stated, causing everyone to stop talking and look at me.

I turned to Zach, "my name is Skates." His eyes lit up and I gave a small smile.

I looked over at Dominic who gave me a look of approval.

I looked down again and began playing with my food.

"Skates. I like that. Very unique." Eddie stated, nodding his head.

I smiled and muttered a thanks.

"Now that we know your name what else can we know about you? How old are you?" Preston asked.

"16". I decided it couldn't hurt to answer some of their questions truthfully.

Again, Zach's eyes lit up and it made my heart flutter.

"Where are you from?" Braydon asked.

I thought about this one for a second. Does it matter if they know what state I came from?

"A few states away." I answered honestly.

"Hmm, that's quite a drive. How'd you end up here?" Eddie asked this time.

"I walked, mostly." I didn't realize how weird that sounded until after I said it.

Everyone stopped and gave me a weird look. Zach's eyes were looking at me curiously.

"Why?" Dylan asked.

I bit my lip and shrugged my shoulders.

"Alright, guys enough with the questions. She's talked more today than she has in 2 weeks, let's give babydoll a break." Dominic ordered.

"You said that if I told you my name, you'd stop calling me babydoll." I pouted.

Dominic smirked, "no I didn't. I said maybe we'd stop calling you that. I made no promises".

I squinted my eyes at him and continued eating.

After dinner, I washed up and changed and sat on the bed waiting for Zach to get out of the shower. When he did, he was drying his hair with a towel and was wearing just his boxers. A sight that I often saw and yet I could never stop myself from staring at his perfectly sculpted body.

My hair was still wet and I had it down. I was wearing one of his T-shirts which reached halfway down my thighs.

He threw his towel in the hamper and smiled at me, walking over to sit next to me.

Unexpectedly, he pulled me into his lap and I squealed in surprise. He wrapped his arms around me and nuzzled into my neck, inhaling my scent. I decided not to fight him. I'd fought him enough over the past 2 weeks. Then he lifted his head to look at me, making eye contact.

"Thank you." He paused, "for telling me your name."

I smiled and nodded, playing with the bottom of my shirt.

"I want to know everything about you. I want to know when your birthday is, what brought you here, what you like to do, what your favorite color is. Everything"

I continued playing with my shirt. He sighed, "I want to tell you why you're here, but I don't want you to freak out."

Should I tell him I already know? Or would that complicate things more? Would that make it harder to leave when it comes time?

I decided not to tell him that, but I didn't want to completely disappoint him. I wanted to make him happy. I took a deep breath. "Well....my birthday is June 2, my favorite color is blue." I paused and thought some more. "I like being outside, running around, dancing, soccer, shopping, listening to music, video games, horror movies. I like the dark. The only shoes I like wearing are sneakers, because they're easier to run in. I like your eyes-oops! I mean, I, uh..." God dammit! Why did I have to say that! Stupid stupid stupid!

My face turned red and I looked up at him. He had a huge smile plastered on his face and I couldn't help but smile back. He brought his face closer to mine until our lips were touching and he started kissing me. I couldn't help but kiss back and it was only seconds before his tongue was in my mouth. He held the back of head with one hand, while the other was around my waist. I had one hand tangled in his hair and the other cupping his cheek. The kiss was hypnotizing and I never wanted it to end. Soon, we were switching positions where I was on my back and he was hovering over me, his hands roaming my body. Suddenly, he pulled away, both of us breathing heavily. I noticed his eyes getting darker and I wondered if mine were doing the same. I doubted or I am sure he would have said something.

"If I don't stop now, I won't be able to control myself." He breathed out. I nodded. He rolled off of me and pulled the covers over both of us, pulling me into his chest. I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

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