12. Clifford and Flashbacks

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After dinner we were all sitting on the couch, watching TV. I was leaning against Zach and he had his arm around me. A commercial for Clifford the Big Red Dog appeared on the screen. I used to watch that show as a kid. You know what they never covered in that show? His penis. Think about it. It would have had to have been huge! Imagine what it would have been like when he peed. That would be seriously dangerous. People could have drowned.

I felt eyes on me so I looked over and saw that everyone in the room was staring at me in disgust.

"What?" I asked, confused by all the stares.

"You are literally the weirdest girl I have ever met." Dominic shook his head. "No one has ever thought about Clifford's penis."

"I said that out loud?" There's no way I said that out loud, but then how else could they have heard me?

"I heard it through the mind link. You must have let it leak." Braydon spoke this time.

I wonder how I let it leak?

"Sometimes if you let your guard down enough, it happens." Dylan answered the question that I did not ask out loud.

I don't think my guard is down. I'm not doing anything differently than I was yesterday. I guess I'll try harder to block them out. I can't have them in my head if I plan on sneaking out of the house to-

"Don't even think about it." Zach warned.

"What the heck? How are you hearing my thoughts?" This time I spoke out loud.

Everyone shrugged their shoulders and seemed very unconcerned about something that is very concerning. The only privacy a person has is their own thoughts! I need that.

"I don't think you should be all that concerned about it. I'm sure it's a fluke and it will pass. Besides, I'm actually quite enjoying it. I've always wondered what is going on inside your head." Of course Dominic felt this way.

"I agree! This is kind of interesting." I looked over at Zach who smiled.

"Yeah real interesting. Fuck you guys. Stay out of my head!"

I directed my attention back on the TV, trying not to think any thoughts. Which is really difficult, by the way.

On the screen, a girl was jumping into a swimming pool and all of the sudden, I felt my eyes turn black and my mind sucked me into a memory.

I had no control as the memory played in my head. I couldn't escape it. I couldn't even move. I could only watch the memory.

I was 10 years old, wearing my long blonde hair in two french braids. I had a blue t-shirt under my jean short overalls. I had fear in my blue eyes as I had just dropped the beer on the ground that my dad had ordered me to fetch for him.

He stalked over to me, his 6'4" figure looming over my small one. He leaned down so his dark blue eyes were staring into my tear filled ones. "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Fletcher and Jake pushed me back and stood in front of me. "Leave her alone. It was an accident." Fletcher confidently spoke, looking my dad right in the eyes.

My dad stood up straight, "Mind your business and leave me to your sister! Get out of my way and don't interfere again!" My dad's voice sounded dangerous and he used his Alpha tone. My brothers' had no choice but to obey. He crouched back down to my level. "I'm an Alpha. My children are supposed to be strong. How did I end up with such a weak, small, daughter?" My dad spoke low. "Maybe you need to feel some pain to get your strength. Let's test that theory out, yeah?"

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